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from its owner to visit it I shall be profoundly grateful—I thought you might help me."

"I 've got it all down," said Mr. Kirby, scribbling hurriedly, "and I will certainly find it for you. The cause of Science, Professor Higginson, is a sacred cause."

"If you can!—oh! if you can get me an order now, to-day!" burst out the Professor, opening his eyes suddenly and cutting short in his desperation. "I—I—well, I should like to look over that house. It would be of the highest possible scientific interest. Can you," he added nervously, and as though he was in a hurry to catch a train or something of that sort, "can you let me have the keys—now?"

"My dear sir," said Mr. Kirby, looking up gently, "my dear sir, I really cannot yet be certain what house it may be, nor whether our firm are the agents for it, nor even whether it's to let, though I think it may be one I have in my mind."

He glanced at his notes again.

"Oh, yes, your firm are the agents," said the Professor eagerly, and then added, suddenly appreciating that he was giving himself away, "I remember receiving with extraordinary vividness during that curious vision the spiritual impress that your firm were the agents."