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and looked it.) "None of your funny business! Who are yer, any way? I 've half a mind——" but the thought of profit recalled her.

She had already seized the handle of the pump and drawn him his glass, when the noise of feet returned, less tumultuous, and an exceedingly unpleasing voice was saying that there was no thoroughfare. An official-sounding voice was replying with dignity, and Professor Higginson went to pieces—inwardly altogether, outwardly not a little—when he saw entering through the swing-door a policeman, a policeman who, when he looked the Philosopher up and down with due care, asked him, "What 's this?" and received no coherent reply.

"That 's what I was asking myself," said the woman with the false hair vigorously. "Come in here all of a blow, muttering, with something wicked in his eyes, as you can see. I was ordering of him out when you came in!"

Professor Higginson had exhausted that vein of invention which the Evil One had hitherto so liberally supplied. He sank upon the dirty little beer-stained stool behind him, and jibbered at the avenger of the law.