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"I 'm sure," said the policeman, finding a little coin as large as a sixpence, but much more valuable, which had suddenly appeared in his great palm, "I 'm glad you 've come, sir! I was worrying what to do!"

"Oh, you needn't worry!" said Jimmy kindly again; then, with a pained look, he added, "It 's not so serious as it looks!"

He almost broke down, but he struggled manfully, and the policeman followed him with solemn respect.

"It will be all right. It 's over-work."

He turned to Higginson and said with pathetic reverence, "Come, dad," and he exercised upon the Professor's arm so authoritative a grip that instinctively that Philosopher rose.

Conflicting doubts and fears were in that academic mind, and when the doubts and fears in the academic mind run not in one current, then is the academic mind so confused that it is impotent. If he fought or struggled he would be arrested. If he was arrested and in the hands of the law there might come out at any moment … oh, Lord! and if he acquiesced—what then? What would that young fiend do to him? Where would he take him? Between the two he did