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"Professor Higginson," he began, "there 's been some bad mistake, some very bad mistake."

"I don't understand what you mean," said Professor Higginson doggedly.

"Good heavens!" said Jimmy, really startled, and looking him full in the face. "You mean to say you don't …"

"I lost my memory," muttered Professor Higginson savagely, looking at the floor, "I should have thought you would have heard about it. I lost it," he said, with rising voice and passion, "after the brutal treatment——"

"Oh, then, you remember that!" said Jimmy coolly.

"Dimly," replied the Professor through his set teeth. He was getting to feel ugly. "Very dimly. And after that my memory fails altogether."

"Well," said Jimmy, leaning back at his ease, and drinking his brandy, "I 'll refresh it for you. We gave you your cheque book, Mr. Brassington——"

"I tell you my name 's not Brassington," whispered the Professor in a mixture of anger and fear. "If you talk like that at the top of your voice someone 'll hear you!"

"You 're not Mr. Brassington?" said