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Jimmy, eyeing him steadily. "That 's what you said on the night when you—when you lost your memory."

"Is it?" answered the Philosopher sullenly. "Then I told the truth. Damn it all, man," he said, exploding, "isn't it plain who I am? Didn't you see the people in that room? And don't you" (here a recollection of his own importance swelled him), "don't you know what my position is in the Guelph University?"

"Certainly, Professor Higginson," said Jimmy, in exactly the same tone in which he had said "Mr. Brassington" a minute before. "I quite understand. Unfortunately, during that terrible mental trouble of yours you signed something——"

"Then it doesn't count," said Professor Higginson, shaking his head very rapidly from side to side like a dog coming out of a pond, "it doesn't count!" he said again in a still higher tone, "it doesn't count! I won't have it! I don't understand a word you say!" and he sank back with every symptom of exhaustion.

"There 's nothing to get nervous about. Professor Higginson," said Jimmy quietly, as he leant forward to emphasise his words. "