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upon—you have put Ten Thousand Pounds, I say, at his disposal for Research work in the magnificent field of Subliminal Intimations of a Future Life, in which he is at this moment our chief pioneer."

"I?" said the bewildered Brassington, catching the table. "I promised Professor Higginson £10,000 for Research Work?"

"Yes, you," said Mr. Kirby firmly; "it 'll be in the papers to-morrow, and very right the Government were," he continued, "to recognise generosity of that sort by a Baronetcy! Hogg told me he heard it was only a thousand or two, but I gave him the real figures."

"But I never——" began Mr. Brassington.

"Well, there you are," interrupted Mr. Kirby in a matter-of-fact tone. "They think it, and that 's the important thing. You, of course," and here he turned to Professor Higginson, "you will never see that money. It isn't there."

"No," said the Professor humbly.

A German in the livery of Cinderella's coachmen solemnly entered the room and told them in broken English that the dinner was served.