Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis II 1921 1.djvu/78

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70 C. D. DALY

la the after recollection there were two numbers, the second he

rejects for reasons which became quite clear in the analysis. Nona ^

his wife is common to both scries of figures, his wife's name being f

the only association he gave, to the figure 9. The figure 3 also

only brought up the idea that it represented his family; both these

associations were given without hesitation. 5 only led him to 6,

from which we get the solution of the second group of figures -

and their connection with the first grouj); rejected because they ^

only represented the history of his wife's journey, dates, distances, |

etc., whereas the first group represents the date of hi-s wife's arri- ^

val. Also through it he obtains ample revenge on the analyst for the ^

bad time he went through in the Isattlc over his resistances the |

day before, by associating him with the objectionable doctor

(whom both in the dream and the analysis he omitted to state

was a native). He also brought his wife and himselt together and

got rid of his daughter, against whom he has great repressed

resentment owing to her having taken up so much of her mothers

time. The sexual symbolisms of the roll of paper the drawer, etc.

are all obvious from the latent content of the dream, liut the roll

of paper stands for a good deal more tlian merely a phallic ||

emblem. The rebuilding of the hospital -- The putting straight of l|

his own and his wife's and child's mental attitudes i. c. the family.

The legal and marriage documents - Making it all legitimate, etc.

This fragment of Hie analysis shows tlic meaning of the figures in the dream; the remainder of the analysis followed the usual lines.