Page:The Laboring Classes of England.djvu/46

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As the culture of the hop is peculiar to this district, it may be necessary to give a brief description of the mode in which it is conducted. The land is prepared with considerable attention by fallowing, deep stirring, and cleaning; it is next thrown into rows of little hillocks at equal distances; and in these hillocks the young shoots of the hop (previously nursed in the orchard) are planted.

Opening the hills consists of digging a hole about two feet square and two feet deep in the centre of these hillocks; this is done for the purpose of loosening the soil, and depositing the manure for the future crop. When the soil has been replaced, and the hillocks again completed, several young shoots are planted. This is performed in February and March by men and boys. Poleing is the next process, which is performed in April, before the hop begins to shoot. The pole, or stake, from eight to ten feet high, furnishes a support to the climbing vine of the plant; several are fixed in one hill, and it requires strong muscular exertions to do so. It is invariably performed by the man, who, however, receives assistance from his wife, his son, and sometimes his daughter. Tying is the next process; that is, fastening the climbing vine to the poles. This process is carried on from the moment the vine has shot above ground, to the time that it arrives at maturity.

Tying is invariably done by the women, who are occasionally assisted by children. When the hops reach the top of the poles, the women have to mount on a kind of ladder, which enables them to fasten the vines which may have blown off; this is called horseing. Skimming, is effected by an instrument, so called, drawn by horses between the rows of hillocks for the purpose of loosening the earth and weeds. The horses are carefully led by boys, and the instrument is guided by men.

When the seed of the hop is ripe, which generally