Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/332

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JIO KING JAMES THE SEXT with advife of the haill Eftaites , ratifies, apprievis, confirmis, and declairis : andordainis, that all and quhat-fum ever penfiones, alleged to be difponed furth of prelacies, and nathcr authorized be decreet nor pof- feifton, quhidder the fame be of the fpirituality or temporality , quhair upon neither decreet nor pofleffion lies followed , in die prelats life-time , and before the faide acte of annexation , fall be null and of nane availl, force nor effect, in all time by-gane , andto-cum. 138. i_Againft unlauchfull conditiones in contraries or Obligationes. AS IT IS not lefum to ufe and commit ufurie: fa it is not lefum to onie privie man ,, be his awen inven- tion and authoritie , to aftrict or burden onie of our Soveraines Lords lieges , with unlauchfull and im- poliible conditiones againft all Law , equitie , reafon and gud forme , albeit their neceffitie for the time, con- firaine them to zeild thereto; as quhair fum perfones gives foorth their money upon profite , upon contractes orobligationes, they provide that the parties receivers thereof quhair-foever they dwell , in farreft partes of the Realme , fall be charged to make payment , only be open Proclamation , at the mercat Croce of Edin- burgh upon fa fchort and fuddaine warning, as probablie and poffiblie , it cannot cum to the knawledge of the perfones fwa charged. And that the denunciation of the horning fall be at the famin mercat croce, and the horning regiftrat in the Schireffe buikes of Edinburgh, makand the famin als lauchfull, asgifthe perfones were charged perfonally , or at his dwelling place : And the execution of horning , ufed at the mercat Croce of the head Burgh of the Schire, quhair the parties dwellis : And the horninges regiftrat in the Schireffe buikes theirof, to the great hurt and prejudice, not onelie of the parties fa denunced; Botof our Soverame Lord , and his Lieges , to quhais knawledge probablie the faides denunciationes of homings cannot cum. THEREFORE his Hienes with advife of his Eftaites in Parliament, ftatutes, ordainis and declairis, that na fik unlauchfull and unpoffible conditiones, be made in contractes or obligationes , amanges onie of his Hienes lubjectes in time cumming. And in-cafe onie denunciationes of Horninges , fall happen to be made at the faid mercat Croce of Edinburgh , only upon charges ufed thereat , proceeding upon the unlauchfull and impoffible conditiones abone fpecified : the fame charges and. denunciationes of horning , fall not be repute lauchfull. Bot the parties ufers theirof fall be charged , to caufe charge and denunce of new, according to the forme, ufed and obferved be the common Law, and confuetude of the Realme. I 1 39. That the copies of letters or charges be fiibfcrived be the executor theirof. T E M , It is flatute and ordained that in all time cumming , all copies of funimoundjs and letters , quhilkis fall be delivered to onie partie , be fubferived be the officiar executor theirof. 1 40. Naperfbn may be deuuncedrebellupon letters charging allandjindrie generattie, IT IS Statute and ordained in time cumming , that na charges nor letters of horning fall be generallie di- rected, againft all and findrie , except it be againft ane Burgh , College or Communitie quhilk Feprefentis-' ane body; at the leaft , it fall not be lefum to denunce onie particular partie to the home , upon fik generall letters, except git the faid partie be firft lawfullie and fpeciallie called, to heare and fee the faidis letters, direct againft him , for a fpecial and certaine de wne or fact : And for this effect , that all giftes of penfione, Monkes portions, Minifters af lignationes of thriddes &c. The fpecial landes , names of the tennentes , and quantitie of the dewties , aifigned, afiumed or difponed , be particularlie concerned : and that an dewtie be not difponed to twa fmdry parties , quhilk is Crimen Stellionatus of the Law : Providing it fall be lefum to onie beneficed man, to feeke general letters , conforme to his provifion , to corroborate che fame, andco ferve for ane publication and intimation thereof: Bot nawaies to ferve or be fufficient,, Co denunce onie man cochehorne, nocbeand fpeciallie called, and his dewtie exprefled therein, as faid is. 141. That compenfation de liquido ad liquidum be admitted. OUR SOVERAINE L OR DE And Eftaites of Parliament, ftatutis andordainis: Thatonie- debt de liquido ad liquidum inftantlie verefied be writ, or aith of the partie , before the giving of de- creete, be admitted bee all Judges within this Realme, bee way of exception: Bot not after che giving thereof, in the fufpenfion , or in reduction of the fame decreete. • 141. T>amnage and expenfes ofpley, fuld be modified be the -Judges. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that damnage , intereft , and the expenfes of pley, maid and fufteined be the parties be altogidder admitted , and liquidat be the decreet , before all Judges within thisRealme : And fpeciallie quhen as the libell, claime or petition ar proven be writ, conteinand damnage, intereft and expenfes , and upon regiftrat bandes , obligationes , and contractes , fummoundes bearand for the coaftes and skaiches, quhilk will ftay parties to be willfull and obftinat pleyare§- And this to be extended