Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/340

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3 i8 KING JAMES THE S E X T time by-paft , or maicl in this prefent Parliament ; And declaris alfwa, that the faidis Proveft , Baillies , Coun- celi and communitie , and their SucceflbureS , in all time cumming , lies, and fall have fik full richt of pro- percie and fuperioritie of the torefaidis landes , annuall-rentes and revenues , tennentes and tennendries and fervice of free-tennentes thereof: as had the Bilhoppes , Abbotes, Priors, Friers, Monkes, Nunnes, Chaplanes, and Prebendares , to quhom the faidis landes and annuall-rentes, perteined of before ; Not- withstanding , ony afte or cenilitution , preceeding the dait hereof FINIS. A N E TABLE Of the P ARTICULAR ^ACTES andutheris, maid be KING J ACHES theSext, in this twelfth Parliament , the fifth of Jumj s i$yx. zeires, not imprented. i jT~* Ommiffion anent the Minijiers Jlipendes. z ^j Exception in favour of Adam , Bifhoppe of Orkney. 3 Commijfion for reparation of Hofpitalles. 4 Anent the fogging ofanefecond Kirk , within the Parochin of S . Andrewes. $ lor apprievwg oj the Kirk , bigged be John S chaw ofG reenok. 6 The union eft he Kirk o/Torteviot , to the auld Colledge ofSaint- Andre wes. 7 The diffoluiim of the T>eanrie o/Reftal-rig. 8 Ratification of the penfion granted to John Durie, his wife and fonne . 9 Ratification of the manfe of the Minifter o/Pettin-weeme. io Commijfion anent the locall flipendes of Minijiers. 1 1 Commijfion anent the ryding in Parliament. i x For furthering of the Kingis commoditie be the mines and mettalles. 13 Ratification of the Kingis revocation. 14 ^Anent the payment of Burr owe mailles. 15- Annexation ofKclfo and Coldinghame. 1 6 Anent the nomination andejlablifbing of our Soveraine Lords privie Councell. 1 7 CAhent the Kingis Chappell Roy all. 1 8 Commijfim anent the examination and imprinting of the Lawes of this Realme. 19 Ratification of the contrail: of 'mariage, betuixt the King, and Queenes Majefiits , and of her mf eft- ■mentes pa ft thereupon. 20 Approbation of their fervice , quha accompanied his Majeftie to Norway and Denmark. 2 1 Ratification of the proceeding of the Earle Marfchell , anduthers direel to Denmarke , to treat tbe faid Mariage. 22 Ratification to the Laird of Barne-Barrow , and Maifier Peter Young , and of their proceeding bt the faid Mariage. 23 Prefer iption of the All of repoffeffion. 2 4 t_Xcl annulling the bandes and contracles of per fines , beingput in captivitie. 25- Ratification of the Commiffariote ^Edinburgh. 26 Ratification of the Burgh ^Hadingtoun. 27 Of the Hofpitall of Perth. , 28 For the bigging of the Tolbuith 0/Clack-mannan. 29 Ereclion of the Toun of Scraling, inane Burgh of Barronnie. 30 Cbangeing of the Faire of Dornoch. 31 Act in favour of the Burgh of Anftruther, bezond the Bume. 32 In favour of the Burgh of Cul-rofle. 3 3 Ratification of the except iones from the generall Acr of Annexation. 34 Declaration to the Earle of Angus , anent his honoures. 35- Ratification of ane contrail , betuixt the King, and the Earle of Angus. 3 6 Ratification to the Duke ofLennox , ofthefuperioritie of the Priorie o/Saint- Andrewes. ■^j Ratification of the Earledome of Orkney , to the Earle thereof 38 Ane uther to the Earle of Gowrie, of his infeftmeut. 39 Item to him, of the Abb acie of ^zone. 40 To the Earle #/~Mont-rofe. 41 To the Maifier ofMont-rofe. 42 To the Lord Lindefay. 43 Of ane Penfion out of Quhite-horne , to my Lord of Spyme. 44 To the Maifier of Drummound. 45- iiAnmt the Temporalitie c/"Paf!ay. 46 lu favour of the Commendatar of Mel-rofe 47 Ra-