Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/419

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XX. PARLIAMENT. XXIV. of June. 1609. 397 3 . A£l anent excommunicat Per fins not to enjoy their lands , rowmes andpojfejfions. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaices of this ptefent Parliament, confidering that where- as there is divers perfons whaare Excommunicat for not conforming themfelvesto the true Religion prefentlie profefled , and doe notwithftanding ftill enjoy the pofiellions of their lands, rents and livings, either direftlie in their awne perfons , or covertlie in the perfons of their friends and wel-willers to their ufe and be- hove, to the incouragir g of them to perfift in their pernitious and erronious opinions, and to the fruftrating of the execution of the acts and conftitutions made againft excommunicats heretofore. Therefore OUR mid SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites forefaids, declares, ftatutes and ordeins , that na perfons whatfoever, wha are alreadie or hereafter mall happen to be Excommunicat for not conforming themfelves to die Religion prefentlie profefled within this Kingdome , ihall be fu (Tered either direft lie in their awne per- fons, or covertlie and indirecllie by any others in their names and to their behove, toinjoythepofleflion of their lands , rents and revenues ; but rhat the fame ihall be medled with , intrometted with and uplifted to his Majefties ufe. 4. Act giving command to Bijhops to feud the names of excommunicat perfons to the Ihe- faurer and to the director of the Chancellarie. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, conftddering that to the effect every mans affection and difpofition in his Religion may be clearlie and fufficientlie knawne. Ifl herefore O U R faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites forefaids , ftatutes and ordeines that levery ArchbiiTiop and Bifhop within the bounds of his awne Diocie ihall anes everie yeare give up to the The- Ifaurer , Comptroller , Collector and their deputes , and to the Director of O U R SOVERAIGNE [[LORDS Chancellarie, ane Rollfubfcryved with his hand conteining the names of all fik perfons within his luDiocie wha ar excommunicat for Religion. And ordeins the faid Theiaurer and his deputes, that they receave llna refignations , nor grant confirmations nor ini eftments to nor in favours of any of the perfons whais names Ihall be conteined in the faid Roll. And that the Director of the Chancellarie & his deputes give out na Brieves, Ireceave na Retours,nor direct na precept upon retours, nor upon comprifings in favours of any of the faids per- Ifons whais names fhall be infert in the laid Roll at na tyme thereafter , vvhiil the faid perfon or perfons produce [unto the faid Thefaurer, Comptroller, Director of the Chancellarie and their deputes a fufficient Teftimoniall Ifubfcrived by the faid Archbifhop or Bifhop, tefti tying their relaxation from the faid excommu nication & their l)bedience and fatisfa&ion to the Kirk , as the faid Thefaurer , Director of the Chancellarie and their deputes I vill be anfvverable to his Majeftie upon the duetie of their office. And lykwyfe OUR SAID SOVE- [k A I G N E LORD, and Eftaites forefaids , declares thar it fhall be lawfull to all Lords of Regalities, and lo all Supenours whatfomever within this Kingdome, to refufe Breives and precepts of Clare conftat in fa- lours oi any perfon or perfons, whais names fhall be infert in the faid Roll. As alfo to refufe the entrie of Irenaits upon compryfing , whais names are infert in the fanlin Roll. 5-. Act againft Jefuites , Seminar ie Preifts , fayers or hearers of ' Mejfe , Papifts , and refit ters of them. 3UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , confidering the impu- nitie of Jefuites , Seminarie Preiits and others Papifts , adverfaries to the true Religion profefled in this ■ealme , and their resetters in tymes bygane , hes bene the caufe as well of their increafe as of their infolence I all the parts of this Realme. And that the fame hes proceeded partlie upon the negligent execution of the deles of Parliament made againft the faids Papifts, Jefuites,and Seminarie Preifts and their refetters, and part- t± upon fome obfeuritie of words in the faids Acts. 1 herefore, OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, ltd Eftaites forefaids maift willing to have the faids Acts put to due execution in all poynts , and Papiftrie and rlperftition utterlie fupprefled according to the intention of die fame , hes ratified , approved and confirmed, id by the tennour of this prefent Act Ratifies , approves and confirmes all and whatfomever Acts of Parlia- ment , either made in his Heighnes minoritie and iefle age , or elfe fince his acceptation of the governement i his awne perfon, againft Jefuites , Seminarie Preifts, Papifts, fayers and hearers of Mefle, and refetters 1 the faids perfons or any of them ; And decernes and ordeins the famine to have full ftrength , force and iEect, and to be put to due execution in all tyme comming, with thefe explanations after following. That I e faids afts made againft hearers and fayers of MefTe ihall be put to due execution , and be extended to all 1 a:ers and fayers 01 Mefle , without any exception or reftriction. As likewyfe that ali acts made of before ii ainft the refetters of the faids perfons have their full force , ftrength and e ftect , and be put to due execution slainft the faids refetters; after lawfull intimation and denunciation be made of the faids perfons. Whilkde-

1 nidation and intimation his Heighnes and the Eftaites iorefaids declares to be fufficient to caufe the faids re-

i ters of the faids Papifts , Jefuits, Seminarie Preifts, and others conteined in the faids acts, incurre the paines terein conteined , if the fame be made at the head burgh of the fhyre where the faids perfons remaines , and a the market crofle oi Edinburgh , without any farther intimation to be made there-anent. After the whi Ik I i i denun-