Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/434

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4 ix KING JAMES THE S E XT othcforcfaidAft, and before the faid terme of Mertinmes 1611. yeeres, have not exceedit the propor- tion of twelve for ilk hundreth. His Majefties aforef aids Commiffionars upon the knawledge of his Maje- fties pleafure therein whofe fuperahounding love and mercie to his fubjefts vves never wanting , and the fecu- ritieofthe offenders in this cafe, who finding no profecution of any punifliment upon the breakers ofthefta- tute for fick a continuance of tyme, did there-upon prefume to thcmfelfes Impunitie, being fum argument of his Majefties companion towards them. I T is therefore be the 'faids Commiffionars decreed and deter- mined that all and everieperfon who hath come within thecompasof violating of the faid Act, and that fra the date thereof to the faid terme of Mertinmes 1611. yeeres, did never exceed nor trahfeend in taking of profiteorannueil for monye lent out be them the proportion of twelve for ilk hundreth, ihall be freelie dafcharged, exonered, and pardoned of all paine, unlaw, andpuni(hment, which the faid Aft of Parlia- ment doeth appoynt to be inflicted upon the contraveiners and breakers of the fame. Bot it is no waye hereby meaned that this ihall be a liberation to thefe who have in any fort fince the date of the Aft of Parliament exceeded die proportion of twelve , or that have taken more then Ten fince the faid terme of Mertinmes 161 1. yeeres : Bot the offenders in any of thefe cafes to bepuniihed as the Law hath appoynted. AND fikiyke the faids CommifTionars upon the reafons and confiderations before rehearfed , have difcharged fimpliciter the whole fubjects and leiges of this Realme, of all fik bygaine posnalties, unlaws, and punifhments which they or any of them have incurred through the breaking and violating of any of the Afts andftatutes of Parliament heirafter exprelled in tymes bypafl allanerlie and no utherwayes. They are to fay. The Afts of Parliament made anent apparrell. The Afts of Parliament made anent Taverners. The Afts of Parliament made anent tranfporting of Gold and Silver. The Afts of Parliament made anent Malt-men. The Afts of Parliament made anent whilliling of Gold and Silver , and taking thereof above the Kings pryce. 1 he Afts of Parliament made anent eating of Flefh in Lent, and forebidden dayes. The Afts of Parliament made anent the ufing of Confeftions beyond fea. The Afts of Parliament made anent the tranfporting of forebidden goods. The Afts of Parliament made anent the tranfporting of Skinnes. And the Afts of Parliament made anent the packing and tranfporting of Herring before Mi- chael-mes. And ordeins the fame whole Afts of Parliament and everie ane of them to fland in their awne ftrength, force , and effeft in all tyme comming , after the forme and tennor thereof, and ordeins the fame to be put to due execution and the tranfgreflburs thereof to be unlawed and punilhed conforme to the unlawes and pu-> nilhments mentioned therein. 10. Ratification to the Queenes Majefties of her hifeftment of Ttimfermeling. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Ratifies and approves and for his Majeftie and his Succeffors perpetuallie confirmes , the inf eftment made and granted be his Majeftie to his Highnes dearefl Spoufe ANNA be the grace of G O D nowOjieeneofGreateZfritai^, France , and Ireland : and to the Heires lawfuliie gotten or to be gotten betwix his Majeftie and his Highnes deareft Spoufe forefaid , Whilkfailyeing (as God forebid) to his Highnes Heires and Succeflbrs what- fumever to the Crowne of the Kingdome of Scot/and: of all and whole the Monallrie and Abbacie of Dun- fermling lyand on both fydesofthe water of Forth, conteining all and fundrie the Lands, Lordlhips, Bar- ronies, Milnes, Woods, Fifhinges, Manfions, Manor-places, Kirks, Teynds, Kirk-lands, Tenents, Tenendries , Service of Free-tenents , Yairds , Orchards, Few-mailles , Fermes, Kaines, Cuftomes, Annual-rents, and uthers particularlie and generallie conteined in the faid infeftment proceeding upon the refignation of Henrie c P'itcarne of that ilk , as Commendator of the faid Abbacie of Dunfermling for the tym with confent of the Convent thereof in maner and to the effeft mentioned in the fame infeftment, whilks are thereby united , erected , and incorporat , in ane whole and frie Temporall Lordfhip , to be called in tyme comming the Lordihip of Dunfermling. To be halden of OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDJ and his Succeflbrs in frie blench fre heretage and fie Lordfhip for ever for the yeerlie payment of Sex millings, eight pennies monye of this Realm of Scotland yeerly at the Feeft of Whitfunday in name of blench-ferme if it beis asked allanerlie , lyke as at more length is conteined in the faid infeftment under his Highnes great Scale , of the date at Linlithgow the fevinth day of March 1 5- 9 3 . yeeres , and of his Highnes reigne the xxvij yeere. With the precept and inftrument of Seafine following thereupon, togidder with all and fundrie infeft- ments ather paft be refignations or confirmations, precepts upon retours or be precepts of Clare conftat, gifts of ofHces,tacks of Teynds of Lands or uthers teynds whatfumever,difpofitions be forme of indentour, contract or afllgnation of any yeerlie dueties, rents or commodities perteining and belanging to the faid Lordfhip of < Dunfermling and Patrimonie thereof of whatfumever date or dates, tennor or contents the famin be of, ather already made , given, and granted, or that hereafter fhall happen to be made given and granted to whatfum- i evei