Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/440

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418 KING JAMES THE S E X T ihall happen be for the time. And fikhkc OUR Soveraigne LORD,with advife of his Eftates,declares,ftatutes and ordeins, that the Archbifhop oiGla/gow, whensoever that Sea Ihall vaik , Ihall be elected by the three BilhopsofhisDiocie, to wit, the Biihop of Galloway , the Bifhop of hrgyle , the Biihop of the lies , being for the time, and by his ordinar Chapter, or the moft part of them , the Biihop of Galloway being alwayes ! Conveiner of the faids Electors to the faid election. Which perfons fliall have power onely in the faid election, feeing it is the exprcfle will and ordinance of his Majefty and Eftates, that the auld and ordinar Chapter otGlafgow , and the other Chapter above- written , appointed for the Sea of Sancl- Andrewes , as faid is, fliall have the only adminiftration of thefe things, concerning the affairs tending to the weal of their Cathedral Kirks , and belonging thereto , as the auld Chapter formerly had , and thefe others Chapters be- fore mentioned , appointed allanerly for election of the faids Arch-biihops , fliall no wayes be derogatory to the others ordinary Chapters eftablilhed for the handling of the affairs of their Seas in manner above- written. ACT III. knent the 'Plantation of Kirks. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, Confidering that there be divers Kirks within this Kingdome not planted with Minifters , where through Ignorance and Arheifme abounds amongft the People ; and that many of thofe that are planted , have no fumcient provifion or maintenance appointed to them , whereby the Miniftery are keeped in povertie and contempt , and cannot fruitfully travel in their charges. Confide- ring alfo that nothing is more properly belonging to his Princely care, than to fee to the good eftate of the Kirks within his Dominions , out of that zeale which his Majefty beares to the promovingof the King- dome of CHRIST. A N D for ane perfit remedie of thofe evils, with advice & confent of the Eftates of Parliament, hes granted full power and commiffion to the Lord Chancellour for the time , and to the reverend Fathers in GOD John Arch-bifhop of Sm£l- Andrewes , lames Arch-bifhop of Glafgow , Alexander Biihop of 'Dunkeld, Alexander Bifhop of Aberdeine, Alexander Biihop of Murray , Patrick Bifliop of Rojfe , Adam Bifhop ot'Dunblane , and William Biihop oi'Galloway : Eight perfons nominat for the Clergie and Prelats. And in-cafe of the deceafe of any of them , To Andro Biihop of Brechin , George Biihop oiOrknay , Andro Bifhop oiArgyle , and John Bifliop of Caithne s : Which foure perfons , his Majefty and Eftates hes nominate to fupply and become in the place of any of the other eight forefaids, if any fliall happen to deceafe before this Com miffion be finifhed. To wit , the firft of the foure in the place of the firft of the eight deceafing , and fo in order fucceffively as they are named. And to lohn Earle oiMarr Lord Thefaurer , lames Marquefs of Hamilton, lames Earle oiAbercorne, William Earle of Tirflib&pdin., Robert Earle o{ Roxburgh , lohn V ifcount o{ Lawderdale , Thomas Lord of Binning , and David Lord of Carnegie , eight perfons nominate for the Nobilitie. And in cafe of any of their deceafes , To Alexander Lord Elphmftoun , nominate to be- come in the place of the firft deceafing , Alexander Earle oiEglinton in the fecond , lohn Earle of Perth in the third , and lohn Lord of Balmirreuoch in the fourth. And to the Commiffioners under- written nominate for the Barons : To wit, William Douglas of Drumlangrig, Sir Walter Dundas of that ilk , Sir James Halibumton oiPitcur , Sir lohn Hamilton oiLettrik, Sir lohn Wais of Barnbarroch , Sit Andro Mur- rey of Balwaird , Sir Alexander Gordon of C luny, and to Sir George Auchinlekol Balmanno. And incafe of any of their deceafes , to Thomas Urquhard Sherriffof Cromartie, Sir Alexander Strachan of Thorntoun, lofias Steward of Boniton, and Sir Robert Steward of Schillinglaw , perfons nominate to become in order as they are named in places of any of the eight deceafing. And tolames Amot Burgeffe of Edinburgh, Matter Alexander Wedderburne Clerk of T)undie , Sir Thomas CMenzies Proveft of Aberdein , John Scherar Burgefleof Sterling , Andro Milne Burgefle of Linlithgo, John Osburne Burgefle of Air , John Mat hefin Clerk of Carel, and Sir George Bruce of Carnock Knight, Burgefle of Culros , eight perfons no- minate for the Burrowes. And in cafe of any of their deceafes, to Alexander Clerk Merchant Burgefleof Edinburgh , Matter William Fergufon Burgefle of T)undie , George Nicolfon Burgefle of Aberdein , and lohn WtUiamfon Clerk of Sterling : Perfons nominate to fupply in order any of the other eight Commiffio- ners forefaids deceafing. Which forefaids Commiffioners , or any five of ilk Eftate nominate , as faid is , confenting and agreeing in ane voice , fliall have power to convein , confult , and to determine upon the matters , and in manner under-written. Providing alwayes , that there is and fliall be neceflarily requifite tothevaliditieofanyAdl, conclufion, ordinance and determination of the faids Commiffioners, the con- junct aflent of five ofeveryaneof the faids foure Eftates, all agreeing together in ane voice, without the which confent of the faids five of ilk Eftate fo agreeing, the reft of the faids Commiffioners fliall have no power to make any valide or effectual conclufion by vertue of this prefent Commiffion , but vvhatfoever mall be otherwayes done , is declared to be of no availe , force nor effect That is to fay, OUR SO V LR AIGNE LORD & Eftates of Parliament by the tenour hereo£gives,grants,& commits full power & authoritie to the faids Commiffioners to meet and convene in the Town of Edinburgh, at fik time ane times as they Ihall appoint and finde convenient , and there to call and fummond before them , all Patrons Tacksmen ofteinds great and fmall, and all others having right by whatfomever title to the ieinds withir th«