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XXIII. T A R LI A ME NT. IV. of Auguft, i6zi. 447 rentes , And to the effect his Majefties General Collector thereof may know now whom to crave and charge for the fame , IT IS Statute and Ordained , That within every Sherrifdome, Steward rie, Bail- lirie, and Regalitie , where the Offices of SherrifTes, Stewardes, and Baillies are heretable : and the Pro- vefts and Baillies ol Burrowes , who are heretable SherrifTes within themfelves : Thefe heritable Offlciars, and their Deputies , for *hom they fhall beholden to anfwere, Shall collecl: the faid Taxation , and make pay ment thereof to his Majefties Collector General oftheforelaids Taxations. And where thefe Offices are not heretable , but changeable , The Clerkes within the faids Jurifdierions having their Offices, _ad vitam~] fhall bee Collectors thereof. And in-cafe the faids Clerkes have not already found fufft- cient Caution for difcharging of their duties in their Offices , they fhall bee hoklen beiore they have any intromiffion with the lame Taxation, to fmde fufficient Caution for that effect. And where there are no heretable Offtciers , nor Clerkes , having their Offices [ad vitam~] the faid Collector Gene- ral of His Majefties Taxations (and his Deputies in his name , fufHciently authorized by him : and lor whom hee fhall bee holden to anfwere , and whofe Names hee lhall caufe publilh at the Market-CrolTe of the head Burgh cf that jurffdiction where there is no heretable Official - nor Gierke _ad vitam~ that his Majefties Lieges may know unto whom they fhall make payment) lhall collect and up-lift the fame Taxation : Which payment being made , the receaver thereof lhall bee oblifhed to deliver unto the payer thereof an Acquittance upon the receipt of the fame, [gratis~ without payment of any money for the fame. IT IS likewife provided , That the Fees of the Collectors , and re- ceavers ot the fame Taxation of Annuel- rentes, lhall bee, like as hereby they are remitted to the dif- cretion and arbitriment of the Lordes of his Majefties Pri vie Council, to bee fet downe , and aggreed upon by them. And the faids ESTATES hereby difcerne and declare , That all Burgefles and Free-men within Burghes , albeit they bee taxed in the ordinarie Taxation above- written , with their Ncighoours , conforme to the order prefcribed for collecting of the Burrowes part of the faid ordinary Taxation ; Yet the fame fhall no vvayes liberate , nor free them from payment of their parts of this extraordinarie iaxation alfo, according to the proportion of the twentie pemue of their Annuel-rentes : but they fhall bee lyable in payment thereof, as others his Majefties Lieges are. ATTOUR, 1 he faids EST AT ES annul and difcharge all priviledges and immunities whatfoever , whereby any petfons may thinke themfelves free of payment of any parte of this prefent Extraordinarie Taxation : The Priviledges and Immunities granted to the Ordinarie Lords ol Seffion, with the Annuel-rentes due to be payed to Colledges , Schooles , and Hofpitales , or mortified for fuftentation and up-holding of iurkes and Bridges, with the Annuel-rentes which may bee claymed of poore people , whofe ftocke exceedcth not the lumme of five hundreth markes onely excepted. AND the faids ESTATES dilcerne and ordaine the extraordinary Lordes of the Selfion , together with the whole Advocates, Clerks of the Selfion, Writers to the Signet, Privie and Great Seales , and other members of the Col- ledge of Juftice , to contribute to the faids Taxations , fuch like as if they were not exeemed : And that of their owne confentes , and conforme to their voluntary offer made by them to his Majeftie , and the faids Eftates,upon this lpecial provifion, That their faid voluntarie offer lhall not prejudge nor impaire their liberties , priviledges , and immunities in any time comming. Which offer the faids E- ftates accepted, and accept : And will, and declare , That their faid Offer lhall no wayes derogate to their priviledges , and immunities : But that their faids Priviledges and immunities lhall bee keept , and obierved unto them and their SuccefTors in all times comming, unprejudged by the faid Offer. ACT III. i_Anent the Collecting and infringing of the Taxation , and reliefe to the Trelatcs. FO R- A S-M UCH as the ESTATES of this prefent Parliament , upon good and weightie ccnfi- derations , which mooved them , have freely and voluntarilie offered and granted to the Kinges moft {Excellent Majeftie ,OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, for fupplying ol a part of the great Charges and Expenfes which His Majeftie hath been conftrained , even by the ftrayteft bandes of Religion , to iundergoeoflate, and by all lykely-hood mail lye under a long time , by procuring by treatie , or Amies, ieafe and libertie to thofe who fuffer for the Gofpel of JESUS CHRIST, profefied in this iLand , A Taxation to bee payed , collected , and uplifted , in manner , and at the foure Tearmes fol- lowing -. That is to fay, For the Barronsand Free-holders partes of the fame Taxation , Thirtie millings !kots money , to be uplifted ol every pound land of old Extent within this Realme : pertaining to Earles , Lordes , Barrons , Free-holders , and Fewares , of our Soveraigne Lordes proper landes , hol- ilen by them immediately of His Majeftie, and payed by them at every One of the four feveral Tearmes ollowing : THAT IS TO SAY, The fumme of Thirtie fhillinges money , at the Feaft and irearme of Candlemefie next-to come , in the yeare of G O D , one thoufand , fix hundreth , twentie ind two yeares. The fumme of other thirtie millings money at the Feaft and Tearme of Martinmefle, in the year of GOD, i6zi. yeares. The fumme of other thirtie fhillinges money , at the Feaft and Tearme Ppp % of