Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/604

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34 The firfi 'Parliament of 'Aa B7- Bullion. H HEmp-feed, ilk fix barrels — '± Hemp, of all forts, ilk eight hundred weight . j White Herrings, ilk fix barrels . . Herrings, Red Herrings, ilk five thoufand — Halberts ungilt, ilk three dozen Hides of all forts, ilk three dacker — Hofe, | pi aces i n this Kingdom, ilk five hundred pair Honey, ilk three barrels Silver > twelve ^Denier fine. — — — - two ounces. - .two ounces. - " two ounces. 'two ounces. - — — — two ounces.. two ounces. Hofe, Bonnets and Socks, olWooi, nude in Lai b- at nde, Uundee ahef other Buck-hornes, ilk five hundred - Hart-hornes, ilk three hundred Oxen-horneSj ilk two thoufand" Homes, ( Ram, or Shecp-hornes, ilk five thoufand — Horfesor Mears, ilk two thereof ■ — : Horfes tails, ilk three hundred — "* Hooks , iik two grocc ""ZZZZZIZZ Hops, ilk hundred weight _ Half-long Skines, ilk ten dacker Hard Wair, ilk hundred weight — — — — Horfe-fhoon, ilk hundred gang C *•"*• .) two ounces- two ounces* two ounces* two ounces* two ounces- two ouncefc two ounces, two ounces, two ounce* one ounce, two ounces. one ounce, two ounces;, J c. a ( of Oak, ilk twenty pieces llts * ( of Fir, fourty pieces Jedburgh Staves, ilk hundred | ilk fifty ftone weight Iron, I ilk three Ship-pound ( ilk laft — — ^— Iron Pots, ilk three dozen Iron-Ordnanee, ilk four hundred weight Indigo, ilk hundred weight — two ounces? two ounces, two ounces, two ounces. two ounces, eight ounces, two ounces, two ounces. — ■— — — ■ — —* three ouaceaf K K Ettles, ilk hundred weight -4-

ilk hundred and one half 

Killing, ilk f lx barrels Kna pp'el of all forts, ilk five hundred — Kiiie, ilk four of them — . Knives, ilk twenty dozen — » ■— r- Kombes of all forts, ilk hundred dozen — ~ m j m L L Ambsj ilk thilty __Leaci, ilk two thoufand weight or fodder — Lead-ore, ilk fix barrels. j Wilde Leather, ilk three dacker n a Wllite Leather, ilk four hundred skins caded | Leatlier points, ilk ten grocc - - Linning Cloath of all forts i ilk hundred ells Lint-iUd. ilk three barrels — — — — Lint of aliform, ilk eight hundred weight T .. . iik hundredandthrcefcorc ' Lin S ' j . ilk fix barrels "~ " "- Liquorife, ilk hundred weight " " Lobftcrs , ilk two hundred Ljntiwheels, iik twelve dozen L&mons, ilk barrel of the meafure of ten gallons two ounces^ two ounces. two ounces. two ounces^ two ounces, one ounce, two ourieet, two ounces two ounces^ two ounces.' •>• two ounces^ • two ounces, —two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces* two ounces. two ounces* » one outtte/ one ounce. two ounces. one ounce* Madder.