Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/623

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'Aft -45, 46. ' King CHARLES the ll 1661, 5'1 ■Merchants belonging to this Kingdom, (hail irnployany Alien, or perfon not born within this Natioh ■ or naturalized, or made a iree Denizen thereof, from arid alter the (aid day) ^s Factor in any place beyond Seas, {or the ufe and account ot" the Merchants of this Kingdom, unc er pain of a pecuniary ■■Maid, to be paid by him, or them that mall imploy him: which mm fhail; be ifnpoledat the diil cretion ; ot the Council or Trade, the one half thereof to His Majefty and SucceiTors, and the other hall to hiisa or them that fhail inform and purfue for the fame.Itis alwayeshereby provided,tbat .[his Act, not any Claule therein contained, extend not to, or be meaned to reftrain or prohibit the Im- portation ot any of the Commodities of Afia, Africa, or America; as alfo of the Commodities, of Mufco and Italy, from fitch Ports; aiid places, and in fuch Ships and Vcflelsj as may be "■ gotten moft conveniently, until fuch time as the Merchants of this Kingdom, have actual Trade tb.thefe rcfpcftive places ; and that the fame be prohibited by Aft of Parliament, Privy Council, or Council ot Trade. It is hereby Declared, That it ihall be lawful to import any fort of Corns, in time •of dearth, from any piace or places, in any Ship or VelTel whatibevcr, without being lyablc to Con- pfcation, double Cuiiom.or any other Penalty, contained in this prefent Aft ; the dearth and neceffitv- ,<oi import being aiwayes cognofced and declared, by a publickAft of the Privy Council, or Council <oi Trade. XLV. Act di [charging the Exportation of Skins, Hides, &c. THe Kings Majefty, confidcring how neceiTar it is, that all former Laws for improving of Na? tive Commodities be Revived; and underftanding that the Deacons and remnant 1 radef-mcri of tlie Skinners, have upon their own charges, brought from Forraitm p.'aces, Periumcrs, Makers and Preparers ox Leather, by whole pains and Art, the Kingdom may be fur mined with Gloves ateafier Rates, and be able to furniih other Nations abroad with Mad e-vvork; Doth therefore with advice and. conlent or the Effaces of Parliament, Ratifie and Approve the hundred feventy eight Aft of the thirteenth Parliament of King James the fixth of bleffed memory , difcharging the Exportation pf Skins and others therein contained; and Ordains the fame to be put to execution,, conform to the tenor thereof in all points. And alio confidering how ufeiul Goat-skins, Hart, Deer, and other wiide Beafts Skins might be,, if they were prepared and improven by Skinners within the Kingdom,'- His Majesty doth therefore with advice torefaid, Discharge all Merchants, Tradef-men and others s to" Tranfport any Cait-skin, Kid-Skin, Hudderon , or Shorling-skins , or any Goat-skins -,- Hart, Buck, Deer, or any other wilde Beafts Skins forth of the Kingdom under pain ofConfif- cation or the fame. And for the further encouragement of the Skinner-trade and Manufaftury, Licence is hereby given to Export Gloves made within the Kingdom, free of all Cuftom and Excite, for the lpacc ot ninteen years after the date hereof ; referving aiwayes to the Lord-Treafureif and Commulioners of Exchequer, to give Licences for Exporting ot Skins, as they fhail find caufe,, after one year from the date hereof. XL VI. ,•,..< ...... Act discharging Exportation of Wollen-yam, Worftead, broken Copper and 'Pewter, & c. THe Kings Majefty, confidering the great prejudice this Kingdom and Manufafttiries do 'M ceive by the Export of Worftead, Wollen-yarn, Raw and Unwaked-cloath and Stuffs; and the dilcouragement that Tradef-men and Artifts have by the Export of broken Copper, Brafsand Pewter; Doth therefore, with advice and confentof HisEftates of Parliament, Difcharge all Merchants, Tradef- men, and others whatfoever, as well Strangers as Natives, upon any colour or pretext whatfoever, to Export forth of this Kingdom any Worftead, Woollen yarn, i?aw or Unwaked-clcaths and Stuffs whatloever, made within the fame, ( Plaiding excepted) or any broken Copper, Brafs or PeWter, under the pain ot Confutation of what of any of the particulars above-written ihall be apprehended in the Exporting ; the one half to be applyed for His Majesties ufe, and the other hah tor the ufe of the apprehender and purfuer of the fame.