Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/626

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^5 The jtrji Parliament of Act 53 any other way ss to be imploded tor the i'uppiy and maintenance, and towards the rcperation oi'thc Suf- ferings and loffes of the perfons aforefaids, and of the Wives and Bairns offuch of them as are dead; and that in Such manner and wayes as after tryal of their merits and Sufferings, and the caufes and grounds thereof, Shall be thought fit by the Lords of His Majefties privy Council, to whom His Majesty, with advice and content forefaid, commits the care of this bufincfs; And doth hereby im- power and require thsm to ufe all diligence, that the favour and Juftice hereby intended by His Maj elf J to thefefuffering Perfons and their Families, may be made efieftual ; and that notwithstanding of any thing contained in any of the faids Ads to the contrair. It is alwayes provided, that this Aft is without prejudice of any benefit, which by the Law and Guftom of this Kingdom, falls to the Relift, Bairns or Executors of a Minifter after his deeeale; and thae this' Aft is to endure for the Space of feven years, and longer as Hia Majefty mail think fit; LI II. Aft ratifying tht 'Aft of Parliament 1633. anent the Annexatimof His Majeftiss Property, &c. kUr Soveraign Lord, with advice andconfentofthe Eftatea of this prefent Parliament, Ratifies and ^Approves, and for His HighneSle, and His SuccefTors, perpetually Confirms, the tenth Aft of the firit Parliament of His Majefties Roy A lather of bleffed memory, King Charles the firft, holden at Edinburgh, in Anno one thoufand fix hundred and thirty three, Intituled An Aft snentthe Annex- ation of His Majefties Property, in the whole Heads and Claufes thereof, cfpecially that Claufe of the fame whereby His Majesty and the Eftatcs of Parliament then conveencd, did Declare the right and title of Superiority, of all and fundry Lands, Barronies, Milns, Woods, Fiihings, Towers, Fortalices, Mannor-places, and pertinents thereof, pertaining to whatfoever Abbacies, Priories, Pri- oreSles,Prcccptories, and whatfoever other Benefices, of whoibever Mate, Degree, Title, Name or De- signation the fame were of, Erefted in temporal LordShips, Barronies or Livings, before or after the general Aft of Annexation of Kirk-lands made in the meneth of July one thoufand five hundred eighty and feven, together with the whole Few-mails, Few-fermcs and other Rents and Duties of the faids Superiorities to be annexed, and to remain with the Crown for ever, upon the refervation of the Lords and Titulars of Erection therein Specified : Likeas thereby His Majesty and Eftatcs fore- faid, Found and Declared, that all Titulars of Errcftion without exception, Should hold their property and proper Lands of the Kings Majt sty and His Succefiors in Few-ferm, for paiment of the Few- ferm-dutks, contained in the Infeftments, granted to them befere the Said Aft of Annexation, and no other wayes. And that all Rights and Deeds, made and granted to whatfoever perlbnor perfons, preceeding the date of the forefaid Aft, which might prejudge His Majefty and His SucccSTors, irt the peaceable injoying of the faid Superiorities and Few-ferm-dutics, Should be null and of no avail, by way of Aftion, exception or reply. And further His Majefty With advice and confent foreiaids, of new Declares, the forefaid Superiorities of ail and whatsoever Kirk-lands, Milns, Woods, I Fiihings and whole pertinents of the fame, pertaining of before to whatfoever Chapters, Priors, Pri- I orelles, Preceptors, and whatfoever other Benefices of whatfoever other Eftate, Degree, Title, or I Defignation they be of, whereof the pfefentatien belonged to His Majefty and His HighnefTe Pre- I deceSTors, erefted in temporal Lordlhips, Barronies andLivings, to pertain to His Majesty andHis J HighnefTe Crown, therewith to remain all time cemming. And alfo Declares all and whatfoever I Grants, Rights or Infeftments, of any of the faids Superiorities of the Lands and others pertaining to I whatfoever Chapters, Priors, Priorefles, Preceptors, Abbacies, and whatfoever other Benefices of what- I foevcr Eftate, Degree, Title, Name or Defignation the fame were of, With all Warrands, Tacks, Com- missions, Bailcrics or Deputations for entering of the VafTals thereto, made and grant«dby His Majefty or His faid Umquhile dcareft Father in any time by-gone fmce the Surrender in Anno one thou- fand fix hundred twenty feven, or to be made in time comming with all other Gifts and Donations of the faids Few-duties formerly belonging to the faids Lords of Ercftion, and made by His Majefties I laid Umquhile deareft Father after the Surrender, and before the Redemption thereof from the faids Lords, and all heritable and irredeemable Rights granted by His Majefties faid Umquhile dearcll Father after the redemption whereby the Profits Caiualities & Emoluments of the Superiority of the faid Kirk-lands, may be conferrd t a any other perfon, except the proper ValTals thereof, direftly or indirectly ,oi whatfoever Name, Title or Deflation they be of, & of allGifts of new Regalities or Jurisdiction, to be null by way of j ^exception or reply : Refer ving alwayes to thefe perfons, who have right to the Few-duties, the right and Ti- tie thereto. And refer ving to John Earl of Lauderdale, His Majesties Sole Secret ary for the Kingdom of I Scotland. ,a Signatur fuperfcribed by His Majesty at His Court oi]Vhitehal,th.t twenty fifth day oiMay lait by pail, and pall in His Majefties Exchequer, of ail and whole the Lordfhip, Barrony and Regality oiMufle- /#rg /^containing a new giit of Union and Erection of 'the fame, in a free Lordfhip, Barrony, and Regality; and difcharges the Treasurer Principal and Depute, Commissioners oi~ the Treafurary and remnant Lords