Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/637

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6 7 A T A B L E Of the Printed ACTS. i A CT concerning the Trefident , and Oath of Parliament. z _£^Act and acknowledgment of His Majefties Prerogative, in the choice of His Officers of State, Councillors and Judges. 3 x^Act ajferting His Majefties Royal Prerogative , in the calling and dijfolving of 'Parliaments, and ma- king of Laws. 4 Act ajferting His iMajefties Royal Prerogative , in the making of Leagues ,and the Conventions of the Subjects. 5 Act ajferting His Majefties Royal ' Prerogative , in the Militia, and'mmakingTeaceandWar , &c. 6 Act annulling the pretended Convention of Eft at es , keept in the year , 1643. 7 Act concerning the League and covenant , and difcharging the renewing thereof, without His Majefties Warrand and approbation. 8 kAc! againft Papifts , Priefts and Jefiiits. 9 Act approving the Engagement , 16 4%. and annulling thepretended Parliaments and Committees keept thereafter. 10 Act condemning theTranfactions concerning the Kings Majefty , whilfi He was at New-caftle in the years 1646, and 1647 1 1 Ktl fit taking the Oath of allegiance , and averting the Royal Prerogative. 1 % Aff concerning the Judicial proceedings in the time of the late Ufiirpers. 1 3 Act and Offer of Four ty thoufand pounds Sterling , to be paid to the Kings Majefty yearly during His life' time , by this Kingdom. 1 4 Act for raffing the Annuity of Four ty thoufand pounds Sterling , granted t>Hs Majefty, 1 5 Act rej chiding and annulling the pretended Parliaments , in the years, 1 640, 1 64 1 , &c. 1 6 Act concerning Religion and Church Government. 17 Act for a Solemn anmverfaryl 'hanksgiving , for his Majefties Reftauration to the Royal Government. of His Kingdoms. 18 All for the due obfervation of the Sabbath-day. 1 9 Act againft Swearing and exceffive 'Drinking. zo Act againft Curfing and beating of Parents. zi Act againft the crime of Blafhemy. z z Aft concerning the ' fever al degrees ofcafual Homicide. z 3 Aft Ratifying the Priviledges oft he Coll edge of Juftice. z 4 Act concerning appearand Heirs , their payment of their Predeceffors and their own 'Debts, 15 Act for Denouncing of ExcommunicatePerfons. z 6 Act appointing the Purfuer of the Thief , to have the Goods ftolen from him , reftored. Z7 Act for the Pardon of Penal Statutes. z8 Act difcharging the Quots ofTeftaments. z 9 Act for poyuding uponSloeriffs and Commiffars decreets. 3 o Act aneut the Fewer s and Vaffals of Kirk-lands. 31 Act concerning the Regiftration of Comprifings. sx AEl concerning Her et able and ^Moveable Bonds. 3 3 Act for the right Packing of Salmond. 3 4 Act againft clandeftine and unlawful Mdrriages. 3 c Act concerning the Election and charges of the Commifftonersfrom Shires to the Parliament, 36 Act anent prefentation of Ministers. 27 Act concerning the Bullion. 1 8 Commiffion and lnftr notions to the Jufiices of Peace aud Constables. 3 9 Act for the Eifhings , and erecting of companies for promoving of the fame. 40 Act for erecting of Manufactures : . 41 Act for planting and Inclofing of Ground. 4Z Act establi/hing companies and Societies, for making Linnen-cloath, Stuff's, &c. a 1 Act difcharging the Exportation of Linnen -Tarn , and regulating the breadth of LinnenZ c loath , &c- 44 Act for incour -aging of Shipping and Navigation. 45 Act difthargingthe Exportation of Skins , Hides, &c.