Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/712

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77i° The fecond Sejfion of the fecond Tarliament of { incur the penalties above-mentioned. And for their encouragement herein His Majeftr. with advice fore faid doth hereby allow to themlelves the Fines of all perfons within their refpeftive Juufdidions , below the degree of Heretors , they being alwayes comptable for the Fines of the Hereto* ; to the Commiflioners of His MaieftiesThefaury. And incafe any Heretor , Life-renter, or proper Wod-fetter lhall be fofroward and obftmat as to withdraw from their Parifh Churches for the fpace of one year notwithftanding of their being fined as aforefaid : It isOrdained, That the Sheriffs and other Judges aforefaid , within their feveraljunf- diftions , dilate them to His Majefties Privy Council , who are hereby authorized to call the iaids perlons be. fore them , and to require them to fubferibe the Bond following : X oblidge my felf , that I jhall not upon any pretext or collour whatfiever , rifek I Arms againft 'the ■ Kings CMajeJty, or any having hU^fhority or Commifion-, nar jhall ajfift 7wr coun- tenance anrJoJballrife in Arms. And if any perfon fo called and required, mail refute or delay to fubfenbe the Bond That the Lords ot His Majefties Privy Council fecure or banilh them , as they lhall think fit. And it is hereby declared, that upon fuchrefufal or delay to fign this Bond, the Tingle Efcheat, and Life-rent E- fcheatoftherefufers or delayers lhall fall and appertain to His Majefty, and is to be intrometted with , and difpofed of for His Majefties ufe. Likeas , the Lords of His Majefties Privy Council are hereby required to call from time to time for an Accompt from the Sheriffs, and others forefaids , of their diligence in puttir^ this AcT: in execution; and if they be found negligent, that they inflift fuch Cenfures and Punilhments , on them as they lhall judge fit. And it is further declared, that this Aft is to endure only lor the fpace of three years ' unlefs His Majefty mail think fit it continue longer. And it is further hereby provided , that this A& is to be without prejudice of the Cenfures of the Church , to be ufed againft fuch who lhall be abfent from the Publick Meetings for Gods Worihip , conform to the former Ads and Practices of the Church thercanent. V I II. ACT ratifying the "Priviledges of the Ordinary LoAjfs of Sejfton. Edinburgh, xx. of Auguft, 1670. FOrafmuch as at the firft Inftitution of the Colledge of Juftice , the Kings Majefty and Eftates of Parlia- ment , confidering that the Lords of Seffion did reprefent His Majefties Perfon and Authority, in doing Juftice to the Subjects; And in regard thereof and their daily attendance, did by an exprefs AcT: of Parlia- ment exeemthem, and every one of them, from payment of all Taxes, Contributions, and other extra- 1 ordinary charges in all time thereafter ; which Priviledge and Immunity hath been fully ratified and approven in all fucceeding Parliaments. Therefore , and in confideration that the p ains and travels of the faids Lords have been fince rather increafed then diminifhed , His Majefty being Willing, for their greater encouragement in the difcharge of their Truft and Employment , their Priviledges be preferved entire , with advice and con- j fentofthe Eftates of Parliament, Doth Ratine and Approve their whole Priviledges and Immunities fore- faids , granted by their firft Inftitution , or any other lubfequent AcT: of Parliament. And for their farther fecurity, His Majefty, with confent forefaid, Statutes and Ordains, That the faids Ordinary Lofds of Seflfai lhall bruik and enjoy their faids Priviledges and Immunities , from all burdens impofed , or to be impofed by this or any other Parliament in time coming, als fully as if they were particularly excepted out'of tnV faids Ads. I X. x^i C T concerning High-way ts. Edinburgh, xx. of Auguft, 1670. OUR Soveraign Lord confidering, thatinthefixteenthAcT: of the laft Seffion of Parliament , ahent High-wayes , the time appointed for working thereat is limited betwixt Seed-time and H^rveft, where- as it will be much more convenient working at , and repairing feveral of the High-wayes ar other Seafons of the Year : Therefore His Majefty , with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, doth declare, that the refpedive Sheriffs and Juftices to whom the Execution of the laid Act is committed , may require all per- fons liable to work and repair the faid High-wayes, Bridges, and Ferries, to conveen, the number of dayes they are liable , at any time or feafon they lhall judge molt convenient , Seed-time and Harvcft being alwayes excepted. And ficklike , where the Wayes ly at great diftance from thofe who are liable to repair the fame, that it ihall be leifome to the faids Juftices and Over-feers to difpence with thofe perfons who live at fuch a di- ftance, they paying fix millings yearly for ilk Man, and twelve millings for ilk Horie which ought to have been i mploy ed in the faid Work ; which fums of money fo to be payed in, lhall be expended at fight ol the faid Sheriffand Juftices , on Work-men to work in place of thofe who live at fuch<liftances, in manner forefaid. kACT