Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/876

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!Zte verborum jignificatione. Dram. Solidm. Libra. to the hand or power of the Kirk, College, Communitie, or ony Univer- fitie, capable to poflcede, brink, or joyisgudescr landes j The quhilk is faide per ^lntipbrafin,feu a contraio fenfit, Becaiife fit Kirks, Colleges, Communities, or univerfities, doisnochtdie; albeit the particular mem- bers thereof ar morta!l,a!ters,and deceafis. lus Normand. Lib. s,c.y. fijihilk is conformeto. L. judiciis. Svva Mantis may fignifie power, as in the Latinetoung. Or Manns mortua, may bee conforme to the Scottifh word, borrowed fra the Dutch worde Meiwtj.e, quhilk fig- nifies ane multitude; and fpecialiie of folke and people. And fwa dimittere terras ad manum mortuam, it is to give landes to ony Univerfitie, and mul- titude of people. AI waies it is not leafum to ony man to mortifie ony part of his landes to the Kirk, without confent of the King. Lib.z.c- Notandum. 26. Eecaufe the King may be thereby prejudged in his tennendrie, dewtie Sc fervice fra the quhilk the Kirk-men in auld time were exeemed. MARK, In trxBatu de ponderibus C rnenfuris, fignifies ane ounce weicht, or halfe ane pounds quhairof the dram is the aucht part. Like as the ounce is the aucht parte of ane mark. Cheffa. in Ccnfuetitd, Burgund- Rubric. 1. §7. Verb.6$.folTurnoys : folidus- (inquit") injure capitur pro aureo, quorum. 7 z.faciunt libram turi. Ft duodecim vncitt faciunt Libram, ey 0B0 vnciie la- Fabr. in.%. nos autem. verb, folidos. infiit. deattil. tutor. MARCHETA,KingEi)C«M did wickedlieordaine, that the Lord or maifter of the ground, or Land, fuld have the flrft nicht of ilk maried wo- man within the famin. The quhilk ordinance, was after abrogate be King Malcolme the Third; quha ordained, that the Bride-groome fulde have the ufe of his awin wife. *^nd therefore fuld pay ane peece of money, cal- cd.Marca. Heliorhoaius. lib. 3.C.12. For the quhilk, certaine Kye, was ufed to be payed Lib.A-cap. Sciendum.6s. Bot utherwaies in my opinion, Mark, or March, fignifieth ane horfe: In the auld French, Irifh, and Dutch tounges. For in the French toung, Marcher, s to ride, or gang; as Marcher devant, to ride or gang before. And Vaulus diaconus.Hiffor. Longobard. writtis that Mar is called in Latine, £qi:a, quhilk wee call ane Meare. ~dl- tiatusde fingv.laricertamine. c- 32. Marcam (iiiquii) Germani equamdi- tunt,, unde Marcomanni(qui hodie dicuntur Moravi) eqv.itc.m pollentespo- fuli.Et Marobodutts Rex Mar comannorum, cut corpus in fear eqi.i erat. Mair- over, I finde ane auld conftitution, written be Lotharius Imperator, C Carolus Rex, in this manner : Vt miffi nofiri, in illorum miffarij nofiri in iis locis ad quos mittuntur) curam habeant,ne homines nofi- ri, ant alij quilibet,vicinos fuos majores,vel minores, tempore afiatis, quan- do ad herbamfuos caballos mittunt : vel tempore Hyemis, quando Marefcalli illos adfodrum dirigunt dep/isdentur.aut opprimat. Be the quhilk it is mani- feft,that/o<fr«»z,isa dutch word, propaubulo eijKO)'£,quhilk we call fodder, & marchalcus or marifcallus,s a matter of ftable,or a fervand that hes cure of the horfe for March fignifies ane horfe, and Schalk in Dutch, is ane fer- vand, as Godfchalk, the fervand of God. And ^kiatus.d.c. s 2. Affirmis that Trimarchifia the troupes of horfe-men, in the armie of Bre»H#*,was called Trimarchifia, Harf-marf- ' becaufe ilk man had three horfe. And in the famin fignification, we ufe the word, Horf-marfchel : Quhair horfe is adjoyned, for interpretation of the word Marche. As likewaies in Silverdown hill : This word hill, is the interpretation of the uther word Downe, quhairof the ane, and the uther lignifies anething. In Latine, Mons. Swa ane fervand thatkeipisorcuris horfe, as is commonlie ufed within this Realme 3 Quhilk oppinion findrie Germane writters confirmes, and fpecialiie the Scholiaftes of Guntherus.lib-% ^uflriados. Swaleavand to ilk man his awin oppinion and judgement, free to himfeKe : I think that Marcheta mulieris, is the raide of the woman, or the fii'ft carnal! copulation and conjunction with her; quhilk in refpect of her virginitie, is maift efteemed be fiuhilk interpretation is confirmed alfwa bee Cuia:. Mar. Fcdrxm. Marfchallw. Marche. Schalk^ eeall. Downe, Maritagium legate. The mariage ferteinti to the K>»S- men. feudi. MARITAGIUM H&redis, The marriage of ane aire maill or fe- maill, quhilk is modified and liquidat be the Lords of the Seflion, to ane certaine fumme of money, after confiderarion of the rental], andvalure of the lands perteining to the aire; quhilk is either legall,or conventional!. The manage Legal! , is that quhilk be difpofition of the Law , perteinis to the fuperiour, and Over -lord. For the mariage of ane aire maill, orfemailof landes halden be fervice of warde and relieve, be- in<* within left age, or being ofperfite age, and not maried the time of thedeceafeofhis father, or uther predeceflbur, to quhom he is aire, per- teinis tohisimmediat fuperiour; be the commoun difpofition of the law of this realme. And gif there bemaa fuperioures, the marriage per- teinis to the firft, and eldeft fuperiour, to quhom the predecefioures of the faid aire, maid firft leageance and homage : Or of quhom they have the firft infeftment of their landes. Leg. Foreft.cfialicui.js. Mair-over, gif an airhaldis certain lands be fervice of ward of the King immedi- atlie: And certaine uther landes be the like maner of halding immedi- atlie of ane uther fuperiour, Spirituall or Temporal!: The Marriage of the aire, fuld perteiue to the Kingallanerlie, withoutony refpeft of the quantitie of the landes, orof the prioritie, or pofterioritie of the hading: Recaufethe King hes not anepeereor companion, far les ane fuperiour within his realme. Lib.z.c. Reflituere.4-4.c4s Maritagium conventionale, Maritagium is that quhilk cummis not be difpofition of the law, bot be the conventi- eomentionale onanc l confent of parties: As quhen ony man haldis his landes in blench, or in fewferme: Hisawin, or his aires mariage, na- waies thereby per- teinistohisluperiour:Bot zitgif hee payisony dewtie for his landes mo- minealb#firm<£, or nomine feuii-firmx, vnacum maritagio haredis cum contigerit: Gif he happenis to deceafc, the mariage of his aire, nocht be- in" maried, perteinis to his fuperiour, not be the nature of the halding of his landes, bot be the convention and provifion conteined in hisin- Single and feftment. The availe of ane aires mariage, is either fingle cr double- For do Me availe gifthefuperiour requires not ane aire, to marie, and the aire marie with ef mariage. The forme hovj ane aire (Kid be requi- red to marie. out his confent: The fuperiour fuld obtaineallanerlie forhismariagej be the eftirriaticn of the ordinar judge, fa-meikleasmay beanecompe- tentfumme, or tocher to the faid aire, coniorme to his zeirlie rente: Or gif the aire refufis to marie, hee cannot be compelled to doe the famin- Qjtia matrimonia debent ejj'e libera. Bot quhen he cummis to perfite a"e,he fall give tohisfuperiour.alsmeikleas he micht have fra ony uther per- fon for the famin marriage, before he receive his landes out of the band* of his fuperiour quia maritagium eius qui infra eetatem efl,de mero jure per- tinet ad dominum fcudi.leg Forefi. c.Siquisd6.The: double availe of the ma- riage of ane aire, perteinis to the fuperiour, quha makis ane lauchfull offer of ane partie, to the "aire in mariage : Providing that the partie offered, be of equal parage- For gif the fuperiour dois marie the aire, with ony per- fone in difparage,as with ane burgcfTe man, or with ane villaine. Gif the aire, bee ottheageoffourteene zeires, ormair, and givis his confent to the faide mariage; the famin is gude and valiable of thelaw.Botgif the aire be within the age of rcurteene zeires, quhair-throw he may nocht give ane lauchfull confent to his marriage. In that cafe, gifhiskinfman compleinis, the Over-lord fall tine and omit the warde; andallcommo- ditie that he may have thereby, untill the aire be of lauchfull age of twen- tie ane zeires; fiuhilk falbe converted and employed, be the fioht ofhis friendes, to his ufe and commodities be reafon of the fchamc and difho- nour done to him. Leg. Forefl.c. Si qui domini 65 fiuhilk is conformeto the Lawesof England- Flen.i.flat. Merton-c.6.c.j-Swa gifthe Mariage of ony aire, or heretrix, be fallen in the fuperiourshandes; and the aire beand lauchfullie required be the fuperiour, or his donatar, or be ony cled with their richt, to marie ony agreeable partie without difparage offered to him.refufis to do the fame, and maries ony uther perfon, with- out the licence and confent of the fuperiour, or his donatai-, He aucht and fuld be reafon of his contempt and diflbbedience, pay not only the fingle availe of his mariage; bot alfo the double thereof: That is, a!s mci- the fingle, be the modification of the judge, after the zeir- lie rental, availe, and quantitie of the landes and living. perteinin<*tothe aire. And mair-over, in this cafe, be the auld law of this Realme, it is lea- fumtothc fupeiiour, tohald and reteinethe landes, albeittheaire be of twentie ane zeires of age, untill he be- compleitlie fatiffied of the faide dowble availe.Leg F heeredibus-64. And it is to wit,that the faide requifition,fuld be maid in this manner. The fuperiour, his donatar,or the affignay maid and conftitute be the Donatar, or ony uther perfon, hav- and richt thereto; aucht, and fuld be himfelf, or be his lauchful pro'cura- tour, havand fpeciall power in writ, to that effeft; offer to the aire, perfo- nallie apprehended, then being of lauchfull age for mariage, ane agree- able partie, expreemand the faid perfonis name, and fur-name, without difparage to him : Sick-like beand of lauchfull age , and convenient for mariage, and require the faid aire to folemnizat, & compleit the band ofmatrimonie, in face ofhalie Kirk, with the perfon that is offerred - And for completing thereof, affigne andaffixe ane lauchfull daye; To wit, thefpace ofthrettiedaiesat the lead to him to compleit thefamin; within ony Kirk, appointed be the maker of the that effe£t. And in the meane time of the faid requifition, or before, orafter the famin, the donatar, or ony uther affignay, havand richt and title of him, or of the fuperiour ffor the fuperiour himfelfe, needis nocht to mak ony inti- mation of his richt & title, he beand notourlie knav/in to be fuperiour) fuld make be himfelfe, 01 be his procuratour, intimation of the richt, and difpofition maid to him; and fchaw the fame, and mak the famin patent, in prefence of the faid aire; andcaufe thefaminto beread before him* or give or offer him ane copie thereof: To the effect, that he thereafter may,not pretend nor alleage ignorance there-anent. And thereafter the faid perfon, vi. The fuperiour, or ony uther cled with his richt, bee quhom, or in quhais name the laid requifition and intimation was maid; aucht and fuld perfonallie, or be his procuratour, compeir at the day, and kirk appoynted of before :Bringand with him the faid partie offered, in proper perfon, reddie and willing to marie, quha was offered in man- age; And there in lauchfull time, before twelve houres of the day, offer him reddie to accomplifh and fulfill that quhilk he offered, and requi^ red to be done of before. And to that effeft, there remaine quhill the Sermone, or divine fervice be done, ojrquhill ane houre after noone. And gifthe aire compeiris nocht, or compeiris and refufis to marie; he fuld take inftrumentes thereupon, in the hands of ane fufficient Notar, of the refufemaidbe the aire, or ofhis none-compearance; and the of- fer of the agreeable partie; togidder with the intimation forefaid; quhilk cannot be proven be witnefTe, bot be writ. Fen. Feb. 1567. The Laird of Drumlangrig, contrair Marion Carrutheris-zi. lunij.i<j<. The Laird of Glenberuie, contrair the Laird of Vdny. MARITAGIUM Tochec gade. Lib.2.c.dos autem 19. in fine.c. potefi: 21. cum fcqq. Vid-Dos ■ MARUS, ane official', or executour of fummondes.L1.p-9.cj 11. p. 13 cia-oVideRecordum. He is utherwaies called, Vr<eco regis. Lib.i. cap. Prdts'XcgU cum autem. 8. £uhair it is faid, Qjiod die dominico vox pree corns cefiare debet bee aufs na fummonds fuld be execute upon ane Sunday. The Kings Maire is of ane greater power and authoritie, nor the meiTengersorcfficiares of armes, and fpecialiie in juftice aires, and punifhing o ( -efpaflbures. Bot now the faid office is given in fee and heritage to Maires of fee, quha knawis nocht their office: Bot are idle perfones, and onely dois diligence in taking up oftheirfees, from them, toquhome they doe na gude" nor fervice to the King. MATERTERA, properlie is the Mother fifter, Ojiafi Mater altera. Bot fum-times improperlie it is taken for the Father fifter, in Latine ^imita- For Lib.i.c.Deficientibus l4.~Pofi ^vuncidum.h.e.patr- uum eiufque liberos, Matertera eiufque liberi hubent jus fuccejiionis. And