Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/375

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ROBERT WYER. 361 with these small temporall with these small temporal gooddes that Ihesu hath goodes that Ihesu hath lente me / and euer to lende me : and euer to exyle the desyre of worldly exyle the desyre of worldly ryches and worldly worshyp. ryches and worldly wor- For they that labour^ for shyp. For they that labour it / & haue loue to their for it : & haue loue to goodes ; And vayne wor- theyr goods & vayne wor- shyppes . Of it departeth shyppes / ofte it departeth man fro the heuenly trea- man from heuenly trea- sour. It shetteth manes soure. It shytteth manes herte that god may not herte that god may nat entre, and byldeth man a entre. And buyldeth man a place of no reste in the place of no rest in the lowe lande of derkenes. lowe lande of derkenesse. In brief, * The Compost of Ptholomeus ' is 'The Kalender of Shepheardes,' ' the Sheparde,' or ' that Sheparde ' becoming c Ptholomeus,' and * these Shepardes ' ' these Astronomiers/ The book of Wyer omits the table of contents, the calendar, the tree of vices and the punishment in hell, the means by which a man may lead a virtuous life and the garden of virtues, and contains only two of the five main parts namely, ' Physike with the gouernail of helthe,' and Astrology, with physi- ognomy and similar subjects. From the parts retained it omits the decorative and charming portions the woodcuts with their explanations and the verse. The alterations made in order to give verisimilitude to the substitution of astronomers for shepherds are few and slight indeed. ' In primetyme,' for example, ' Shepardes kepe them selues metely well clothed, not ouer colde ne ouer hote, as with lynseywolsey, doublettes of fustian,