Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 07.djvu/662

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FILE. 604 FILE. various kinds of files are grouped according to tape of their cross-section into quadrangu- lar sections, circular sections, triangular sec- tions, and miscellaneous sections. These sections are in turn subdivided, according to their general contour or outline, into taper and blunt. The File-teeth of any of the cuts described may be arranged so as to be spaced equidistant, or they may be arranged so that the spacing varies 12 in.Double Cut Smooth 12 in Double Cut Bastard

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12 in Double Cut Coarse term taper designates a file the point of which is more or less reduced in size, both in width and thickness, by a gradually narrowing section extending from one-half to two-thirds the length of the file from the point. The term blunt desig- nates a file that preserves its sectional shape 12 in.Single Cut Smooth. t'v-„>^X^ .-_ £i i_ ■ c O-cTo r. . £. ^ ^ ^ Q.£_ t--r fcj <•_ £-■ & G> l^ C *_ i ■ £, r 4i ' «U-C> G> ^ i&'-'d

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Kx /_ ,£* ^ £,. ^ ■ l^ £+ ' S'.'fi £j G Ci "^ O C«  9 £+■ t; ,- £, r fy ■ £? €? t, 1 1 o ^ • $» ^-^^^ 4 3 : srs?rzKSi :"E1 r-p- i--—" >-r— ---- — - i , i; t ft o-<a 12 in. Rasp Smooth. 12 in. Rasp 2d Cut !2in.Rasp Bastard. 12 in. Rasp Coarse. at different points of the file. When the latter arrangement is used the files are designated as increment cut. This form of cut is controlled by the Nicholson File Company, of Providence, R. I., and Nicholson files only possess increment cut. The arrangement of the teeth in increment cut may be described as follows: (1) The rows of teeth are spaced progressively wider, from the 12 in. Single Cut Bastard I21n Single Cut Coarse throughout from point to tang. The cut of files is divided, with reference to the character of the teeth, into single cut, double cut, and rasp cut, and with reference to the coarseness of the teeth into rough, coarse, bastard, second cut, smooth, and dead smooth. The accompanying illustra- tion! show all of these cuts. The rough Cut file is one iii which a single unbroken course of chisel inis is made across its surface arranged, parallel to eaeli other, but oblique to the centre line or axis of the Ale. The double out file has two courses of chisel cuts crossing each other, the md course with rare exceptions being finer than the first. Rasp-cut differs from single or double cut in the respect that the teeth are dis- connected from each other, each tooth being le-pointed tool called a punch. Round Crossing Pitsaw Tumbler Pillar Mill Rasp r ' i Warding Square Flat 3 Square Cant Saw Cant File Knife Featherfdge CROSS-SECTIONS OF TYPICAL FILE8. point toward the middle of the file, by regular increments of spacing. (2) This general law of spacing is modified by introducing, as the teeth are cut, an clement of controllable irregularity of spacing, which irregularity is confined within maximum and minimum limits, but is not ;i reg- ular increment or decrement, (3) The teeth are so arranged that the successive rows shall not be exactly parallel, hut cut slightly angularly with respect to each other, the angle or inclination be-