Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/101

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The Ghospel

Officers be, and specially the Iudges and Iuries which execute lawes of temporal Princes against Catholike men: for al such be guilty of innocent bloud, and be nothing excused by that they execute other mens will according to the lawes, which be vniust. For they should rather suffer death them selues, then put an innocent man to death.

Christ derided in the B. Sacrament, even as upon the Crosse.40. If thou be the Sonne.) Marvel not, when thou hearest our Saviour in the B. Sacrament mocked at, or seest him abused of wicked men that he straight revengeth not such blasphemies: or that he sheweth not him self there visibly and to the senses, when faithles Heretikes wil say: Let me see him, tast him, &c. for he suffered here the like on the Crosse, when he might at his wil have come downe with as much ease as he rose when he was dead.

Detestable blasphemie of Calvin. And other Ministers of his schoole.46. Why hast thou forsaken me.) Beware here of the detestable blasphemie of Calvin and the Calvinists, who thinking not the bodily death of Christ sufficient, say, that he was also here so forsaken and abandoned of his Father, that he sustained in soule and conscience, the very feares and torments of the damned. Catech. Calv. & Instit. l. 2. 16, 5. 10.Which strange doctrine we find also avouched in an English Catechisme set forth by R. H. Anno. 1583. in these wordes: Quest. By what means hath Christ appeased his Father wrath, and ransomed vs? Answer. By suffering death of the Crosse, and the torment of Hel in soule, and conscience. Quite contrary to the holie Scriptures, which alwayes attribute our Redemption to Christs death, and sheding of his most precious bloud, as to a most sufficient, and onlie ransom for al mankind. Ro. 5. 10. Heb. 9, 14. I. Pet. 1, 19. I. Jo. 1, 7. and in innumerable other places. But Calvin and his Disciples hold this wicked paradox, to take away the Article of Christs descending into Hel after his death, saying that his descending was nothing els, but that his soule (remaining as yet in his bodie) suffered the very paines of Hel upon the Crosse. Wheras indeed his descending was in soule (parting forth of the bodie) into that place, where the Fathers of the Old Testament were detained, expecting his communing to deliver them (and that with triumph, and not in paine,) as is proved by the Scriptures, and manie ancient Fathers, in the Annotations upon S. Luke. c. 16, 22. Act. 2, 27. I. Pet. 3, 19. and in other places. And concerning the true sense of these wordes: Why hast thou forsaken me? as wel by conferring them with other holie Scriptures, as by the uniforme consent of the ancient Fathers, our Saviour would signifie hereby, that his paines (being now so long on the Crosse, and readie to die) were very great; and therfore according to the infirmitie of his humane nature, for very anguish (as before in the garden he sweat bloud, when he was but toward his Passion) he saith, he was forsaken, for two causes. First because it was the wil of God not to deliver him, but that he should die. Secondly, because his divine nature did so represse itself for the time, that he felt no comfort thereof at al, but was left to die in extreme paines as a mere man. Yea destitute of such consolation, as his holie Martyrs commonly have in their last agonie. See Origen, Tract. 35. in Mat. S. Hilarie li. 10. de Trinit. S. Leo 17. de Passione S. Bede and others upon this place.

Reverent using of our Lords Body.59. Wrapped.) This honour and duty done to Christs body being dead, was marvelous grateful and meritorious. S. Hier. in hunc locum.And this wrapping of it in cleane sindon may signifie by S. Hierom, that the body of our Lord is to be wrapped not in gold, pretious stones, and silke, but in pure linnen. And so in the whole Church it is observed by * to. I. Concil.* S. Silvesters constitution, Corporals.that the Corporal whereupon our Lordes body lieth on the Altar, must be pure and plaine linnen.

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