Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/108

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According to S. Marke

and kneeling downe saith to him: If thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane. 41And Jesus having compassion on him, stretched forth his hand; and touching him, he saith unto him: I wil. Be thou made cleane. 42And when he had spoken, immediatly the leprosie departed from him, and he was made cleane. 43And he threatned him, and forthwith cast him forth. 44And he saith to him: See thou tel no body, but goe, shew thyselfe [1] to the high Priest, and offer for thy cleansing the things that Moyses Leu. 14, 3.* commanded, for a testimonie to them. 45But he being gone forth, began to publish, and to blase abrode the word: so that now he could not openly goe into the citie, but was abrode in desert places, and they came together unto him from al sides.

Chap. I.

Confession.5. Confessing their sinnes.) A certaine confession of sinnes there was even in that penance which John preached, and which was made before men were baptized. Wherby it is cleere that John made a preparation to the Sacrament of Penance which afterward was instituted by Christ, as wel as he did by baptizing prepare the way to Christs Baptisme.

Particular confession.5. Their sinnes.) He doth not say that they confessed them selves to be sinners, which may be done by a general confession: but that they confessed their sinnes, which is a particular confession.

Johns example of pennance.6. Clothed.) The Holy Ghost thought it worthy of special reporting how straitly this Prophet lived, and how he abstained from delicate meates and apparel. See Mat. 6, 3.

Calv. li. 4. inst. c. 15.Baptisme in water.8. With water.) John with water only, Christ with the Holy Ghost, not only, as the Heretikes hold, that say water is not necessary, but with water and the Holy Ghost, as it is plaine Jo. 3. unles a man be borne againe of water and the Holy Ghost, he shal not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

9. Baptized of John.) The humility of Christ not disdaining his servants Baptisme. Which is an example for al faithful not to disdaine Christs Sacraments of any Priest, be he never so simple, being by the Catholike Church lawfully called. Aug. li. 5. de bapt. c. 9.

The B. Trinitie.10. The Spirit.) Expresse mention of the B. Trinitie; the Father speaketh from Heaven, the Holy Ghost appeareth in the likenesse of a dove, the Sonne also is recommended unto us. Ambros. li. 1. de Sacramen. c. 5.

Christs example of pennance.12. Desert.) Christ doing pennance by long fasting, solitarinesse, and conversing with wilde beastes, gave example and instruction to the Church for Lent fast, and to holy Eremites of retiring them selves to the wildernesse and prayer.

Solitarie contemplation.35. Desert place.) Christ used very often to retire into solitary places, no doubt for our example to teach us that such places are best for prayer and contemplation, and that we should often retire our selves from worldly matters to solitary meditation of heavenly things.

Chap. II.

Against the Scribes and Pharisees he defendeth first his power to remit sinnes in earth, 13. and his eating with sinners (as being the Physicion of soules, signified in those his miraculous cures upon bodies): 18. then also he defendeth his Disciples, not having as yet any fastes by him prescribed unto them, and plucking eares of corne upon the Sabboth: signifying withal that he wil change their ceremonies.
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  1. Our Saviour even when he healed the leper by extraordinarie miraculous power, would yet for order sake send the partie to the Priest.