Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/110

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According to S. Marke

Sabboths that which is not lawful? 25And he said to them: Did you never read what David did, when he was ″ in necessitie, and himself was an hungred and they that were with him? 26how 1. Re. 21, 6.* he entred into the house of God under Abiathar the high Priest, and did eate the loaves of Proposition, which it was not lawful to eate Lev. 24, 9.* but for the Priests, and did give unto them which were with him? 27And he said to them: The Sabboth was made for man, and not man for the Sabboth. 28Therfore the Sonne of man is [1] Lord of the Sabboth also.

Chap. II.

4. Uncovered.) Such diligence ought to be used to bring sinners to Christ in his Sacraments, as was used to procure this man and others, by Christ, the health of their bodies.

5. Sick of the palsey.) Such as this man was in body by dissolution of his limmes, such also was he in soule, by the noisome desires of the world occupying his hart, and withdrawing him from al good works. Aug. de Pastor. c. 6. to. 9.

The Sacraments to be called for in sicknes.5. Thy sinnes.) Hereby it appeareth that Christ healed this sick man first in his soule, before he tooke away his bodily infirmity: which may be an instruction for al men in bodily disease, first to cal for the Sacraments, which be medicines of the soule. As hereby also may be gathered that many diseases come for sinne, and therfore can not be healed til the sinnes be remitted.

Man hath power to remit sinnes.10. The Sonne of man.) As Christ proveth unto them, that himself as man, and not as God only, hath power to remit sinnes, by that in al their sights he was able to doe miracles, and make the sick man sodenly arise: so the Apostles having power granted them to doe miracles, though they be not God, may in like manner have authority from God to remit sinnes, not as God, but as Gods ministers.

Christ remitteth sinnes by the Priests ministerie.10. In earth.) This power that the Sonne of man hath to remit sinnes in earth, was never taken from him, but dureth stil in his Sacraments, and ministers, by whom he remitteth sinnes in the Church, and not in Heaven only. For concerning sinne, there is one court of conscience in earth, and an other in Heaven, and the judgement in Heaven foloweth and approveth this on earth, as is plaine by the wordes of our Saviour to Peter first, and then to al the Apostles: a Mt. 16, 16.a Whatsoever you shal bind upon earth, shal be bound in Heaven: whatsoever you shal loose upon earth, shal be loosed in Heaven: Whereupon S. Hierom saith: b ad Heliod. ep. 1.b That Priests having the keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven judge after a sort before the day of judgement. And S. Chrysost. li. 3 de Sacerd. paulo post princip. more at large.

25. In necessity.) In necessity many things be done without sinne, which els might not be done, and so c Amb. l. 2. off. c. 28.c the very chalices and consecrated jewels and vessels of the Church, in cases of necessity, are by lawful authority turned to profane uses, which otherwise to alienate to a mans private commoditie is sacrilege.


The blind Pharisees seeking his death for doing good upon the Sabboths, he meekly goeth out of the way: where the People that flock unto him, and his Miracles, are innumerable. 13. Yea to his Twelve also (having neede of more workmen) he giveth power to worke Miracles. 20. He so occupieth himself for soules, that his kinne thinke him mad. 22. The Scribes of Hierusalem come so farre, and yet have nothing but absurdly to blaspheme his casting out of Divels, to their owne damnation. 31. That
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  1. The maker of the law may abrogate or dispense when and where for just cause it seemeth good to him.