Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/117

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The Ghospel

were astonished with great astonishment. 43And he commanded them earnestly that no body should know it: and he bad that some thing should be given her to eate.

Chap. V.

Profane and natural men.3. Could bind him.) We see here that mad men which have extraordinary strength are many times possessed of the Divel: as there is also a deafe and a dumme Divel, and uncleane spirits, which worke these effects in men, possessing their bodies. Al which things infidels & carnal men, folowing only nature and reason, attribute to natural causes: and the lesse faith a man hath, the lesse he beleeveth that the Divel worketh such things.

The touche of Relikes.28. If I shal touch.) So the good Catholike saith: If I might but touch one of his Apostles, yea one of his Apostles napkins, yea but the shade of one of his Saints, I should be better for it. Act. 5. and 19. See S. Chrys. to. 5 cont. Gent. in principio. in vit. Babylæ. Basil. in Ps. 115.Yea S. Basil saith: He that toucheth the bone of a Martyr, receaveth in some degree holinesse of the grace or vertue that is therein.

30. Vertue.) Vertue to heale this womans maladie, proceeded from Christ, though she touched but his coate: so when the Saints by their Relikes or garments doe miracles, the grace and force therof commeth from our Saviour, they being but the meanes or instruments of the same.

36. Only beleeve.) It is our common speach, when we require one thing specially, though other things also be as necessarie, and more necessarie. As the Physition to his patient, Only have a good hart: when he must also keep a diet and take potions, things more requisit. So Christ in this great infidelity of the Jewes, required only that they would beleeve he was able to doe such a cure, such a miracle, & then he did it: otherwise it foloweth in the next Chapter: He could not do miracles there because of their incredulity. Againe, for this faith he gave them here and in al like places health of body, which they desired. And therfore he saith not: Thy faith hath justified thee: but, hath made thee safe or whole. Againe this was the fathers faith, which could not justifie the daughter. Scripture fondly applied to prove only faith.Wherby it is most evident, that this Scripture, and the like, are foolishly abused of the Heretikes to prove that only faith justifieth.

41. Wench arise.) Christs miracles, besides that they be wonders & wayes to shew his power, be also significative: as these which he corporally raised from death, put us in mind of his raising our soules from sinne. By three dead, are signified three kinds of sinners.Aug. de verb. Do. ser. 44.The Scripture maketh special mention only of three raised by our Saviour, of which three, this wench is one, within the house: an other, the widowes sonne in Naim, now caried out toward the grave; the third, Lazarus having been in the grave foure daies, and therfore stinking. Which diversity of dead bodies, signifie diversity of dead soules, some more desperate then other, some past al mans hope, and yet by the grace of Christ to be revived and reclaimed.

Chap. VI.

In his owne countrey (signifying the reprobate Jewes) he is contemned, and therfore worketh litle in respect. 7. His Apostles preach every where and worke miracles, so that King Herode (who shamefully killed John Baptist) and others are striken with great admiration. 30. After Johns death he goeth into the Desert, where great concurse being unto him, he feedeth 5000 with five loaves. 46. And after he hath praied long in the mountaine, he walketh upon the sea. 53. And with the very touch of his garments hemme he healeth innumerable.