Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/175

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The Ghospel


Chap. IX.

The Transfiguration.27. Til they see.) To the Apostles, that had to preach the Kingdom of God and to suffer so much miserie for the same in this world, he would shew his glorie, and give them a tast of his owne joyful state and of his Saints in Heaven, calling thither Moyses and Elias, that the Law and Prophets might be witnesses of the same. See the annotation upon S. Matthew c. 17, 2.

Schismatikes.Jo. 4, 9.
3. Reg. 12, 17.
Tob. 1.
53. Face to goe to Hierusalem.) The Samaritans were Schismatikes from the Jewes, and had a Schismatical temple in mount Garizim, of purpose to draw men thither from Gods temple in Hierusalem, where only was the true and as it were the Catholike service and Sacrifice unto God. Therfore they did not gladly receive our Saviour, because they perceived he was going to Hierusalem.

Desire of revenge.55. He rebuked them.) Not justice nor al rigorous punishment of sinners is here forbidden, nor Elias fact reprehended, nor the Church or Christian Princes blamed for putting Heretikes to death: The Churches severitie.but that none of these should be done for desire of our particular revenge, or without discretion, and regard of their amendement, and example to others. Act. 5.Therfore S. Peter used his power upon Ananias and Sapphira, when he stroke them both down to death for defrauding the Church.

Looking backe.62. No man looking backe.) It is a dangerous temptation for a man that hath lost or left his goods for Christ, to looke much backe at them, and to remember with delight the pleasures and eases of this world. For it breedeth in him discontentment of the troubles and crosses that are incident to the state of such as fully follow Christ. In which case a man should ever looke forward towards Heaven, and never backward to the world.

Chap. X.

He sendeth yet 72. moe to preach to the Jewes, with power also of miracles, 13. crying woe to the cities impenitent. 17. At their returne he agniseth the great power he gave them, but yet teacheth them not to be proud thereof, 21. and praiseth God for his grace, 23. his Church also for her happy state. 25. To one of the Scribes he sheweth, that the love of God and of his neighbour wil bring him to life everlasting, 29. teaching him by the parable of the Samaritane, to take every one for his neighbour that needeth his charitie. 38. To Martha he sheweth that Maries Contemplative life is the better.

The Ghospel upon S. Markes day. April 25. And S. Lukes Octob. 18.AND after this our Lord designed also other [1] seventie two: and he sent them two and two before his face into every citie and place whither himself would come. 2And he said to them: The harvest truely is much; but the workmen few. Desire therfore the Lord of the harvest, that he send workmen into his harvest. 3Goe: Behold I send you as lambes among wolves. 4Carie not purse nor skrip, nor shoes; and salute no body by the way. 5Into whatsoever house you enter, first say: Peace to this house. 6and if the sonne of peace be there, your peace shal rest upon him: but if not, it shal returne to you. 7And in the same house tarie you, eating and drinking such things as they have. 1. Tim. 5, 18.* For the workman is worthie of his hire. Remove not from house to house. 8And

  1. As the twelve Apostles did represent the higher degree of the Clergie, called Bishops: so these Seventie two beare the figure of the inferiour Clergie, called Priests. Beda.