Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/231

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The Ghospel

when the trial was made, only they of Hierusalem did invincibly prove by continual succession of their Priests,The true Temple is proved by continual succession. and by the just note of the time when the Schismatikes went out from them, that theirs was the lawful, and the other the false Temple and false adoration. And so it was judged, and the Samaritanes put to silence. Afterward the said Schismatikes (which is lightly the end of al Schismes) revolted quite from the Jewes religion, and dedicated their temple in Garizim to Jupiter Olympius, as Calvins supper and his bread and wine is like at length to come to the sacrifice of Ceres and Bacchus.

Christian adoration throughout al Nations in every place, in spirit and veritie: that is in the Sacraments and Service of the new law, ful of spirit and grace: in the veritie of things before prefigured, specially the true Sacrifice of Christs body and bloud.23. In Spirit and veritie.) Our Saviour foretelleth her that the end & ceasing of their Sacrifice and adoration in both the Temples should shortly be, and even then was begun to be fulfilled: instructing her in three things concerning that point. First, that the true Sacrifice should be tied no more to that one place or Nation,Mal. 11. but that true adoration should be throughout al Nations according to the Prophecie of Malachie. Secondly, that the grosse and carnal adoration by the flesh and bloud of beastes and other external terrene creatures not having in them grace, spirit, and life, should be taken away, and another Sacrifice succeed, which should be in itself invisible, celestial, divine, ful of life, Spirit and grace. And thirdly, that this adoration and Sacrifice should be the veritie itself whereof al the former Sacrifices and Hostes were but shadowes and figures. And he calleth that here spirit and truth, Jo 1, 17.which in the first Chapter is called grace and truth. Al which is no more but a prophecie and description of the Sacrifice of the faithful Gentils in the bodie and bloud of Christ: not that it is not by external meanes given to us (for otherwise we being men consisting of flesh and bloud could not be capable thereof) but that it is spirit and life in itself, being the flesh of the WORD of God. And if a man enlarge the word of Adoration, (which here as is said, signifieth properly the worship of God by Sacrifice) to al the Sacraments of the new Law, they al likewise be spirit and grace, the Holy Ghost working invisibly and internally upon our soules by every one of them. Whereupon our Baptisme, is water and the Holy Ghost: our Penance, the word of absolution and the Holy Ghost: our Confirmation, oile and the Holy Ghost by imposition of handes: finally, al the adoration of the Catholike Church, is properly spiritual, though certaine external creatures for our natures, state and necessitie, be joyned thereunto. Take heed therfore thou gather not of Christs wordes, that Christian men should have no use of external office towards God: for that would take away al Sacrifice, Sacraments, Prayers, Churches, and societie of men in his Service.

Chap. V.

The 2. part: The Actes of Christ in Jewrie (having already begun his solemne Manifestation in Galilee. Mt. 4, 12) the second Pasche of his preaching.

Curing a bedred man at the pond of miracle, because he doth it on the Sabboth, the blind Jewes doe persecute him. 7. And againe because he saith that God is his natural father. 19. He thereupon continueth saying, the Fathers operation and his to be in every thing al one, and that he shal do greater things then these miraculous cures, to wit, 21. quicken the dead in soule by sinne, as being appointed Judge of al, 28. yea and quicken the dead in bodies also, incontinent judging al uprightly. 31. And that these are not bragges of his owne but his witnesses to be. 33. John Baptist, 36. his owne miraculous workes, 37. his Fathers voice at his Baptisme, 39. the Scriptures also, namely of Moyses.

The Ghospel upon Imber friday in the first weeke of Lent.AFTER these things there was a festival day of the Jewes, and Jesus went up to Hierusalem. 2And there is at Hierusalem ‘upon’ [1] Probatica a ″ pond which in hebrew is surnamed ‵ Bethesda‘Bethsaida’, having five porches. 3In these lay a great multitude of sicke persons, of blind, lame, withered, expecting the stirring of the water. 4And an Angel of our Lord descended at a certaine time into the pond: and the water was stirred. And he that had gone downe first into

  1. By our Latin text and the Greeke, this miraculous pond was in or upon Probatica, that is, a place where the sheep to be sacrificed, were kept. But by other Latin copies, S. Hierom, and some Greeke Fathers, Probatica is the very pond itself: so called because the sheepe of sacrifice were there washed.