Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/250

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According to S. John

broken; 36whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, say you, That thou blasphemest, because I said I am the Sonne of God? 37If I doe not the workes of my Father, beleeve me not. 38But if I doe, and if you wil not beleeve me, beleeve the workes: that you may know and beleeve that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.✠ 39They sought therfore to apprehend him; and he went forth out of their handes.

40And he went againe beyond Jordan into that place where John was baptizing first; and he taried there. 41and many came to him, and they said: That John indeed did no signe. But al things whatsoever John said of this man, were true. 42And many beleeved in him.


Chap. X.

Arch-heretikes specially, are the theeves that clime in another way, not by the doore.1. Climeth another way.) Whosoever taketh upon him to preach without lawful sending, to minister Sacraments, and is not Canonically ordered of a true Catholike Bishop, to be a Curate of soules, Person, Bishop, or what other spiritual Pastour so ever, and commeth not in by lawful election and holy Churches ordinance to that dignity, but breaketh in against order by force or favour of men, and by humane lawes, he is a theefe and a murderer. So came in Arius, Calvin, Luther, and al Heretikes: and al that succeed them in roome and doctrine. And generally every one that descendeth not by Lawful succession in the knowen ordinarie line of Catholike Bishops and Pastours that have been in al Countries since their conversions. And according to this rule S. Irenæus li. 3. c. 3. useth the true shepheards from the theeves and Heretikes. So doe Tertul. de Praeser. nu. 11. S. Cypr. de unit. Ec. nu. 7. S. August. ep. 165. & cont. ep. Manich. c. 4. and Livinensis.

11. Good Pastour.) The good Pastour, is he whose special care is not of his owne advantage, but of the safty of the flocke. The hireling, is he that respecteth not the profit and good of the flocke, but his owne lucre. The woulfe, is the Heretike, or any persecutour of the Church, which is Christs flocke.

When the Pastour must tarie, or may flie.13. Flieth.) Every Bishop and Pastour is bound to abide with his flocke in times of danger and persecution even to death, except himself be personally sought for, rather then the flocke, or the flocke itself forsake him. For in such cases the Pastour may flye, as the Apostles did, and S. Athanasius, and others. S. Athan. Apol. de sua fuga. August. ep. 180.

Judas Machabeus.22. The dedication.) This is the feast of Dedication instituted by Judas Machabæus li. 1 Mach. c. 4. Christ vouchsafed to honour and keepe that feast instituted by him: and our Heretikes vouchsafe not to pray and sacrifice for the dead, *2. Machæ. 12.* used and approved by him. Dedication of Churches.The Dedication also of Christian Churches is warranted thereby, with the annual memories thereof. And it proveth that such things may be instituted without any expresse commandement in Scripture.

Christs essence and divine nature of the Father.29. That which he gave me.) Thus read also divers of the Fathers, namely S. Hilar. Trin. li. 7 post medium. S. Ambr. de Sp. S. li. 3. c. 18. S. August. in Jo. tract. 48. S. Cyril. li. 7. in Jo c. 10. and use it to prove that Christ had his essence and nature of the Father. And therfore some Heretikes of our time wickedly accuse the Councel of Laterane for falsifying this place and applying it to the same purpose. Which they lesse can abide, for that it is against Calvins autotheismeCalvins Autotheisme, holding that Christ tooke his person of the Father, but not his substance. See the 2 Annot. in 1 Jo. v. 1.
