Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/81

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The Ghospel

naughtie men he wil bring to naught: and his vineyard he wil let out to other husbandmen, that shal render him the fruit in their seasons.

42Jesus saith to them: Have you never read in the Scriptures: Psa. 117, 22.The stone which the builders rejected, the same is made into the head of the corner? By our Lord was this done, and it is marvelous in our eyes. 43Therfore I say to you, that the Kingdom of God shal be taken away from you, and shal be given to a Nation yealding the fruits therof. 44And Es. 8, 14.* he that falleth upon this stone, shal be broken: and on whom it falleth, it shal al to bruise him. 45And when the cheefe Priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they knew that he spake of them. 46And seeking to lay hands upon him, they feared the multitudes: because they held him as a Prophet. ✠

Chap. XXI.

2. You shal finde.) Christ by divine power both knew where these beasts were, being absent, and commanded them for his use, being an other mans, and suddenly made the colt fit to be ridden on, never broken before.

Hiero. in Mat.
Aug. li. 12 cont. Faust. c. 42.
7. The asse and the colt.) This asse under yoke signifieth the Jewes under the Law and under God their Lord, as it were his old and ancient People: the yong colt now first ridden on by Christ, signifieth the Gentils, wild hitherto and not broken, now to be called to the faith and to receave our Saviours yoke. And therfore the three last Evangelists writing specially to the Gentils, make mention of the colt only.

Procession on Palme-sunday with the B. Sacrament.8. Garments in the way.) These offices of honour done to our Saviour extraordinarily, were very acceptable: and for a memorie hereof the holy Church maketh a solemne Procession every yeare upon this day, specially in our Countrie when it was Catholike, with the B. Sacrament reverently caried, as it were Christ upon the asse, and strawing of rushes and floures, bearing of Palmes, setting up boughes, spreading and hanging vp the richest clothes, the quire and queristers singing as here the children and the People; al done in a very goodly ceremonie to the honour of Christ, and the memorie of his triumph upon this day. Al devout offices in that kinde, exceeding grateful.The like service and the like duties done to him in al other solemne Processions of the B. Sacrament, and otherwise, be undoubtedly no lesse grateful.

HOSANNA.9. Hosanna.) These very wordes of joyful crie and triumphant voice of gratulation to our Saviour, holy Church useth alwayes in the Preface of the Masse, as it were the voice of the Priest and al the people (who then specially are attent and devout) immediatly before the Consecration & Elevation, as it were expecting, & rejoycing at his comming.

13. House of prayer.) Note here that he calleth external Sacrifice (out of the Prophet Esay) prayer. For he speaketh of the Temple, which was builded properly and principally for Sacrifice.

16. Mouth of infants.) Yong childrens prayers proceeding from the instinct of Gods spirit, be acceptable: and so the voices of the like, or of other simple folke now in the Church, though them selves understand not particularly what they say, be marvelous grateful to Christ.

Prayers not understood of the partie, are acceptable.22. Beleeving.) In respect of our own unworthinesse, and of the thing not alwayes expedient for us, we may wel doubt when we pray, whether we shal obtaine or no: but on Gods part we must beleeve, that is, we must have no diffidence or mistrust either of his power or of his wil, if we be worthie, and the thing expedient. And therfore S. Marke hath thus, Mr. 11, 22.Have ye faith of God.

23. In what power?) The Heretikes presumptuously thinke themselves in this point like to Christ, because they are asked, in what power they come, and who sent them: but when they have answered this question as fully as Christ did here, by that which he insinuateth of Johns testimonie for his authority, they shal be heard, Heretikes runne, not sent.and til then they shal be stil taken for those of whom God speaketh by the Prophet: Jer. 23.They ranne, and I sent them not.

28. The first.) The first sonne here is the People of the Gentils, because Gentilitie was before there was a peculiar and chosen people of the Jewes, and therfore the Jewes here as the later, are signified by the other sonne.