Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/83

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The Ghospel

23That Mr. 12, 19. Lu. 20, 27.* day there came to him the Act. 23, 6.Sadducees, that say there is no Resurrection, and asked him, 24saying: Maister, Moyses said, Deu. 25, 5.If a man die not having a child, that his brother marie his wife, and raise up seed to his brother. 25And there were with us seaven brethren: and the first having maried a wife, died; and not having issue, left his wife to his brother. 26In like manner the second and the third even to the seaventh. 27And last of al the woman died also. 28In the Resurrection therfore whose wife of the seaven shal she be? for they al had her. 29And Jesus answering, said to them: You do erre, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. 30For in the Resurrection neither shal they marie nor be maried: but are ″ as the Angels of God in Heaven. 31And concerning the Resurrection of the dead, have you not read that which was spoken of God saying to you, Exo. 3, 6.32I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not God ″ of the dead, but of the living. 33And the multitudes hearing it, marveled at his doctrine.

The Gospel upon the 17. Sunday after Pentecost.34 Mar. 12, 28. * But the Pharisees hearing that he had put the Sadducees to silence, came togeather: 35and one of them a Doctour of law asked of him, tempting him: 36Maister, which is the great commandement in the law? 37Jesus said to him, Deut. 6, 5.Thou shalt love the Lord thy God from thy whole hart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. 38This is the greatest and the first commandement. 39And the second is like to this: Lev. 19, 18.Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self. 40 ″ On these two commandements dependeth the whole Law and the Prophets.

Mr. 12, 35.
Lu. 20, 41.
41And the Pharisees being assembled, Jesus asked them 42saying: What is your opinion of Christ? whose sonne is he? They say to him, Davids. 43He saith to them: How then doth Dauid in spirit cal him Lord, saying, 44Ps. 109. 1.The Lord said to my Lord, sit on my right hand, until I put thine enemies the foote-stole of thy feete? 45If David therfore cal him Lord, how is he his sonne? 46And no man could answer him a word: neither durst any man from that day ask him any more. ✠

Chap. XXII.

2. Mariage.) Then did God the Father make this mariage, when by the mysterie of the Incarnation he joyned to his Sonne our Lord, the holy Church for his spouse. Greg. hom. 38.

3. Servants.) The first servants here sent to invite, were the Prophets, the second, were the Apostles, and al that afterward converted Countries, or that have and doe reconcile men to the Church.

Worldly excuses against reconciliation.5. One to his farme) Such as refuse to be reconciled to Christes Church, alleage often vaine impediments and worldly excuses, which at the day of judgement wil not serve them.

11. A man not attyred.) It profiteth not much to be within the Church and to be a Catholike, except a man be of good life, for such an one shal be damned, because with faith he hath not good workes: as is evident by the example of this man, who was within, & at the feast as the rest, but lacked the garment of charitie & good workes. And by this man are represented al the bad that are called. The Church consisteth of good and bad.And therfore they also are in the Church as this man was at the feast: but because he was called, and yet none of the elect, it is evident that the Church doth not consist of the elect only, contrarie to our Adversaries.
