Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/87

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The Ghospel

should be alwayes Doctours in the Church. And whereas they bring the other words folowing, against Religious men who are called Fathers; as wel might they by this place take away the name of carnal fathers, 1. Cor. 4, 15.and blame S. Paule for calling himself the only spiritual Father of the Corinthians. But indeed nothing is here forbidden but the contentious division and partiality of such as make themselves Ringleaders of Schismes & Sects, as Donatus, Arius, Luther, Calvin.

The honour of Priesthod.13. Scribes and Pharisees.) In al these reprehensions it is much to be noted, that our Saviour for the honour of Priesthood never reprehendeth Priests by that name. Cypr. ep. 65. Whereas our Heretikes use this name of purpose in reproach and despite.

The intention.14. Praying long prayers.) They are not reprehended here for the things themselves, which for the most part are good, as, long prayer, making Proselytes, garnishing the Prophets sepulchres, &c, but for their wicked purpose and intention, as before is said of fasting, prayers, almes. Mat. 6.

Not only faith.15. Double more.) They that teach that it is enough to have only faith, doe make such Christians, as the Jewes did Proselytes, children of Hel farre more then before. August. lib. de fide & oper. cap. 26.

19. Sanctifieth.) Note that donaries and guifts bestowed upon Churches and Altars, be sanctified by dedication to God, and by touching the Altar and other holy things: The altar is sanctified by our Lords body now specially the vessels of the Sacrifice and Sacrament of Christes body and bloud, by touching the same, and the Altar itself wherupon it is consecrated. Theoph. 23 in Mat.Wherof Theophylact writeth thus upon this place: In the old law, Christ permitteth not the guift to be greater then the Altar, but with us, the Altar is sanctified by the guift: for the hostes by the divine grace are turned into our Lords body, and therfore is the Altar also sanctified by them.

21. By him that dwelleth in it.) By this we see that swearing by creatures, as by the Ghospel, by Saints, is al referred to the honour of God, whose Ghospel it is, whose Saints they are.

28. Appeare to men.) Christ might boldly reprehend them so often and so vehemently for hypocrisie, because he knew their harts and intentions: but we that can not see within men, may not presume to cal mens external good doings, hypocrisie: but judge of men as we see and know.

29. Garnish.) Christ blameth not the Jewes for adorning the sepulchres of the Prophets, but rebuketh them of their malice toward him, and of that which by his divine knowledge he foresaw, that they would accomplish the wickednes of their Fathers in sheeding his bloud, as their Fathers did the bloud of the Prophetes. Hilar.

Chap. XXIV.

To his Disciples (by occasion of Hierusalem and the Temples destruction) he foretelleth, 4. what things shal be before the consummation of the world, as specially, 14. the Churches ful preaching unto al nations: 15. then, what shal be in the very consummation, to wit, Antichrist with his passing great persecution and seduction, but for a short time: 29. then incontinent, the Day of judgement, to our great confort in those miseries under Antichrist. 35. As for the moment, to us it pertaineth not to know it, 37. but rather every man to watch, that we be not unprovided when he commeth to each one particularly by death.

Mr. 13, 1.
Luc. 21, 5.
AND Jesus being gone out of the temple, went. And his Disciples came to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2And he answering said to them: Doe you see al these things? Amen I say to you, there shal ″ not be left here a stone upon a stone that shal not be destroyed.

The Ghospel for a votive Masse in time of warre, & for many Martyrs.3And when he was sitting upon Mount-olivet, the Disciples came to him secretly, saying: Tel us, when shal these things be? and what
