Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/148

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Candaules king of Lidia,Jhewing thesecretes of his wyues leautie to Gyges, one of his guarde ; was ly counfaile of his wife,Jlaine ly the f aid Gyges, and depriued of his kingdome.

OF all sollies wherewith vayne men be affected, the sollie of immo derate loue is moste to bee detested. for that hufband, which is beautified with a comely and honest wife, whose rare excellencie doth furpafle other, afwel in lineaments, proporcion, and feature of bodie, as with inwarde qualities of minde : if he can not retaine in the fecrecie and silence of his breaft, that excelling gifte and benefite, is worthy to be inaugured with a Laurel crown of sollie. Beautie eche man knoweth, is one of natures ornamentes, by her wifedome ordeined, not to enter in triumphe, as victours vse vpon gaine of victorie, with brauerie to oftentate their glorie, by sound of Shalme and Dromme, but thankefully for the fame, to proclaime the due praise to the authour of nature. for there is nothing more fraile and fading, then the luring lookes of dame beauties eies, altogether like the flaring Marigold floure, which in the moste feruent heate of the Sommers day, doth appeare most glorious, and upon retire of the nights fhadowe, appeareth as though it had neuer bene the fame. And thersore he that conceiueth, reioyce in her vncertayne state, is like to him that in his flom- bring dreame, doth imagine he hath sounde a perelefle iewell, of price inestimable, beset with the gliftring Diamonde : and perfectly awaked, knoweth he hath none such. If God hath indued a man with a wife that is beautifull and honest, hee is furnifhed with double pleasure; such, as rather thankes to him, then vain often- tation is to be remembred : otherwise, he doateth, either in Jelofie or openeth proude vauntes therof, to suche as he thinketh to be his most afTured frendes. What ioye the fequele therof doth bring, let the historie infuing reporte.

Candaules king of Lydia, had a marueilous beautifull gentle woman to his Queene and wife, whome hee loued very dearlye,