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Jesus, the same mind is in me." The mind that was in Christ Jesus knew the "I Am" of eternal being; in brief, was the "I Am" of eternal being, and therefore could say that I am the way, and the truth, and the life. But this same "I Am" is in every soul and constitutes the real "me" of every soul, and as we grow in Christ we grow into the realization of that great truth that we are one with Christ, and that the same Christ that reigned supremely in the personality of Jesus shall reign supremely in us.

The Christ within us is the only begotten of the Father, and is created in the image and likeness of the Father. There is only one Son of God, but this one Son reigns in every soul, and constitutes the "I Am" in every soul. The "I Am" that occupies the throne of your spiritual being is the only begotten Son of God, and as this Son is like the Father you cannot grow into the likeness of the Father unless you do so through the Son. Nor can you enter into the presence of the Father without going through the Son, because it is the Son that unites the Father with you.

The Son of God is one with God, therefore if you wish to realize your oneness with God you must enter into the life and the spirit of the Son. In other words, you must become conscious of the "I Am" within you because it is this "I Am" that is created in the image of God, and we are not one with God unless we realize that we are created in the image of God. To be one with God is to know that we