Page:The Pathway of Roses, Larson (1913) image of page 180.jpg

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Think that you are a weak, frail, human creature and the flesh will become the dwelling place of weakness; but know that you are a strong, invincible, eternal soul, and the flesh will become the very embodiment of strength, and will be filled with life and power from on high.

We may philosophize learnedly about the beauty of spiritual thought, but that will serve no purpose unless the truth that is contained in our spiritual thought is stamped upon every word we express. We all realize the power of words; whenever we speak we send a life current through every part of the body; and if the words spoken are the expressions of material belief we give conditions of weakness to the body, and at times even disease. When we stamp every word, not with human thought, but with divine thought, every word will convey to the person the very spirit of life, power and wholeness. Through the power of speech a person can bring upon himself every wrong in the world; and through the same power he can bring upon himself every good in the world. Through the right use of words, uttered or unexpressed, a person can attain or obtain anything. Words are living forces; they create according to their nature, and they attract their kind. When we become as scrupulous about our words as we are about our clothes we shall become a superior race.

The parting of the ways is found where we can see the difference between human