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The Ideal Made Real

or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners

We can make life rich, wholesome, and ideal; the Ideal can be made Real; there is a science and an art of ideal living; there is an open door to better things; you can make your dreams come true now and live a life that is full and complete now; you can realise your heart's desire and reach the very highest goal you may have in view. How to begin is the one question that thousands are asking to-day.


  1. The Ideal Made Real.
  2. How to Begin. The Prime Essential.
  3. The First Steps in Ideal Living.
  4. The Ideal and the Real Made One.
  5. The First Steps Towards Emancipation.
  6. Paths to Perpetual Increase.
  7. Consider the Lilies.
  8. Count It All Joy.
  9. The True Use of Kindness and Sympathy.
  10. Talk Health, Happiness, and Prosperity.
  11. What Determines the Destiny of Man.
  12. To Him That Hath Shall Be Given.
  13. The Life That Is Worth Living.
  14. When All Things Become Possible.
  15. The Art of Getting What Is Wanted.
  16. Paths to Happiness.
  17. Creating Ideal Surroundings.
  18. Changing Your Own Fate.
  19. Building Your Own Ideal World.

"The Ideal Made Real" is a large book of over two hundred and sixty pages, and contains the very cream of all that is known on applied metaphysics. It is clear, simple, forceful, scientific, and practical in every form and manner, and is thoroughly alive with the rich, the high, the beautiful, the ideal, the sublime. It is a great inspiration from beginning to end; and, above all, contains the answer to the great question, how to begin to make real the ideal, now.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 270 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.