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Mastery of Fate


What will your future be? Make it yourself as you want it to be. You can. here is a book that will tell you how.


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The Cause of Good Luck and How Every Person May Use That Cause.
The Cause of Adversity and Misfortune, and How to Remove It.
Why Environment Controls the Negative Man But Not the Positive Man.
How Any Person May Become a Positive Force.
How Man May Build His Own Future.
The Way to Higher Attainment and Greater Achievements.
The Inside Secret of Success.
Why Things Are As They Are In Personal Life.
The Cause of Present Personal Conditions.
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A book that every aspiring soul will want; first, because it deals with that remarkable something in man that transcends every limitation, that opens the mind to the inexhaustible power of the soul, and reveals the nature of that force in the divine nature of man that makes all things possible. And second, because it clearly explains how this remarkable power may be applied in every part or problem in human life. We all know that there is a hidden secret in man—something that unlocks every door existing in the universe—something that removes the veil of mystery, and reveals to the mind that wonderful world, that limitless world, that divinely beautiful world that exists in the spiritual within. It is this something that gives the prophet his wisdom, and the sons of glory their genius. It is this something that emancipates the person, and that unfolds the unbounded greatness of the soul. It is this something that eliminates the wrong, that makes every crooked path straight, and that satisfies the dearest wish of every human heart. It is the hidden path to that inner world from which all good things proceed. And it is this something that constitutes the theme of THE HIDDEN SECRET. It is a book, therefore, that everybody will want. It has helped thousands. It will surely help you.

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