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Book of Meditations

For Every Day in the Year

JAMES ALLEN may truly be called the Prophet of Meditation. In an age of strife, hurry, religious controversy, heated arguments, ritual and ceremony, he came with his Message of Meditation, calling men away from the din and strife of tongues into the peaceful paths of stillness within their own souls, where "the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" ever burns steadily and surely for all who will turn their weary eyes from the strife without to the quiet within. Many of the Meditations were written as he came down from the Cairn in the early morning, where—like One he loved—he spent those precious hours alone with God while the world slept on. Others are gleaned from his many writings, published and unpublished, and are arranged for daily reading at his request, and, we believe, under his spiritual guidance. The book must ever be a strong-hold of Spiritual Truth and blessing to all who read it, especially to those who use it for daily devotion and meditation. Its great power lies in that it is the heart of a good man who lived every word he wrote. Every reader of James Allen's books should possess a copy of his Meditations. The beautiful half-tone portrait is a speaking likeness of the Author. It was taken only six weeks before his translation, and has not been published before.

Beautifully Bound in Purple Pegamoid, padded covers, silk sewn, round corners, edges all gilt, and purple ribbon marker. A handsome book, beautiful both inside and out.

Price, 5s. net; post free, 5s. 4d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.