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2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons cloves, 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 1 pound raisins, 1 pound currants and 4 cups flour.—Mrs. Albrecht.

Cornstarch Cake.

One cup sugar, ½ cup butter, ½ cup sweet milk, ½ cup cornstarch, 1 cup flour, whites of 6 eggs, a little vanilla, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Cream butter and sugar together, then add milk, then cornstarch and then flour with baking powder. Lastly the 6 beaten whites.—Mrs. Albrecht.

French Cream Cake.

One cup sugar, 3 eggs beaten well, 1½ cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 3 tablespoons cold water. Bake in two tins. Split cake with knife and fill with following cream: 1 pint milk, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons cornstarch; boil until stiff. Mrs. M. Brockman.

Sweet Cream Cake.

Ten cent bottle cream, 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, pinch of salt, 1½ cups flour, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix well and bake in a form tin in a slow oven.

Date Cake.

Two eggs, ¾ cup sugar, ½ cup flour, ½ teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup dates, cut lengthwise. Do not grease pan. Bake ½ hour slowly. Serve with whipped cream.—Mrs. J. H. Kalte.

Date Cake.

One and one-half cups butter, 1½ cups sugar, 2 large or 3 small eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 package dates cut in small pieces, 1 cup walnuts chopped fine, 2 large cups flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla and a pinch of salt. Mix butter and sugar, add eggs, nuts, dates and vanilla Add sour milk in which soda has been dissolved, then flour and salt. Bake in long narrow tins, about 45 minutes in moderate oven.—Mrs. W. H. Mampe.