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The Royal Book of Oz

crow's Kingdom, they hurried up stairs to look in the wonderful Picture.

"Show us the Emperor of Silver Island," commanded Ozma. Immediately the beautiful silver throne room appeared. Happy Toko had removed his imperial hat and was standing on his head, to the great delight of the whole court, and a host of little Silver Islander boys were peeking in at the windows.

"Now doesn't that look cheerful?" asked the Scarecrow delightedly. "I knew he'd make a good Emperor."

"I wish we would hear what he's saying," said Dorothy. "Oh, do look at Chew Chew!" The Grand Chew Chew was standing beside the throne scowling horribly.

"I think I can arrange that for you to hear," muttered the Wizard of Oz and, taking a queer magic instrument from his pocket, he whispered "Aohbeeobbuy."

Instantly they heard the jolly voice of Toko singing:

Oh shine his shoes of sliver;
And brush his silver queue,
For I am but an Emperor
And he's the Grand Chew Chew!