Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/92

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ruling love of one is never in all respects like that of another. Hence it is that the face of one is never exactly like that of another; for the face of everyone is an image of his mind, and in the spiritual world is an image of his ruling love.

The delights of every individual in particular are also of infinite variety; nor is a single delight of any one altogether similar to, or the same as, that of another, whether we regard those which succeed one after another, or those which exist simultaneously one with another. One delight is never given exactly like another. But still these specific delights with every individual refer themselves to the one love belonging to him, which is his ruling love; for they compose it, and thus make one with it.

In like manner all delights in general have reference to one universally ruling love. This, in heaven, is love to the Lord; and in hell, the love of self. What and of what nature are the spiritual delights into which the natural delights of every one are turned after death, can only be known from the science of correspondeuces. This teaches in general, that no natural thing exists to which something spiritual does not correspond; and it also teaches in particular, what and of what nature the corresponding thing is. Therefore a person skilled in that science may learn and know his own state after death, provided he knows his own love, and its relation to that universally ruling love just spoken of, to which all loves have reference.