Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/410

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tereſting to a genterman of your information; A ſpeck now obſerbed in the mairiner's horizon, was to him an evident ſign of the impending flow; which collected with rapid increaſe, and burſting with reſiſtleſs impetuoſity over our heads, inceſſantly rage'e for three days.

The howling of the tempeſt, the roaring of the feet, the diſmal gloom of night, the lightning's forked flaſh, and thunder's awful roll, conſpired to make this the moſt terrifying ſcene I ever experienced.

Fair weather providentially ſucceeding this violent tornado, we reached St. Helena in a week, and met with Engliſh Indiaman, which recieved ſome damage by
