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being the mere tricks in hand of an arid and sterile pedantry. Such spade work might be used by a scholar as the basis for his edition.

  • 53  On the last page, folio 56b, the authorship has been assigned to Thomas Goff. This name, however, was erased and that of George Chapman substituted. This again was deleted and the words “By Will Shakspear” inscribed. It is probable that the earliest attribution was made some fifty years or more before the two later, which may belong to the eighteenth century.
  • 54  Founded by Charles III in 1738 and built by Angelo Carasale.
  • 55  Some authorities say 29th March.
  • 56  Rev. Robert Walsh, LL.D., author of “A Residence in Constantinople,” and other similar works. (Planché.)
  • 57  Dion Boucicault (or Bourcicault), playwright and actor, was born at Dublin, 20th December, 1822, and after a moat distinguished career, died 18th September, 1890.
  • 58  Journal of a London Playgoer from 1851 to 1866, London, 1891, pp. 45–64.
  • 59  It may be remarked that the drawing which illustrates the last scene of the play in the Dicks’ Edition is inconsistent, as it shows the characters in costumes of circa 1750.
  • 60  The first edition was of the same year. In 1822 this author published a second tragedy, Montezuma. Hugo John Belfour was born in 1802, he was ordained in 1826, and died young in the following year.
  • 61  Ein Kulturbild aus der Gegenwart.
  • 62  Sozialer Roman. Als Manuskript Gedruckt. Oberhausen und Leipzig. 1883.
  • 63  Novelle aus der Gegenwart. In Das neue Blatt. “Ein illustriertes Familien-Journal,” IV (1873), p. 209–408.
  • 64  Mr. S. M. Ellis, who contributed a bibliography of Le Fanu to the Irish Book Lover in 1916. Dr. M. R. James in his Epilogue to the reprint Madam Crowl’s Ghost and Other Tales of Mystery, London, 1923.
  • 65  Three volumes, Bentley; also in one volume. A modern re-issue in two parts by Newnes. Also reprinted in one volume, Eveleigh Nash and and Grayson, London, 1923.
  • 66  Vol. VII, p. 181; vol. IX, p. 212.
  • 67  And afterwards of 12, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street.
  • 68  Occasionally attributed to G. W. M. Reynolds, who, however, more than once denied the authorship.
  • 69  This Epilogue was generally delivered in the provinces and so banal an anti-climax completely ruined the play.