- Abhandlung des Dasenns der Gespenster Nebst einem Anhange vom Vampyrismus. Augsburg, 1768
- Actenmässige und umständliche Relation von denen Vampyren. Leipzig, 1732
- Allacci, Leone (Leo Allatius). De Graecorum hodie quorundam opinationibus, Cologne, 1645
- Andree, Richard. Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche. 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1878–89
- Arnason, J. Icelandic Legends: translated by G. Powell and E. Magnusson, London, 1864–66
- Bartels, M. and Ploss, H. H. Das Weib. Berlin, 1913
- Basin, Bernardus. De artibus magicis. 1482; also Paris, 1506
- Bastian, Adolf. Der Mensch in der Geschichte, II Band: Psychologie und Mythologie. Leipzig, 1860
- Bell, H. J. Obeah. Witchcraft in the West Indies. London, 1893.
- Beuchat, H. Manuel d’ archéologie americaine (Amérique Pré-historique; Civilisations disparues). Paris, 1912
- Beaumont, John. An Historical, Physiological, and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices. London, 1705
- Bent, J. T. The Cyclades. London, 1885
- Bernoni, Giuseppe Don. Leggende popolari Veneziane. Venezia, Antonelli, 1814
- Boureulle, De. “La démonologie de Dom Calmet”—in the Bulletin de la Société Philomatique Vosgienne, 1887. Saint-Dié. Impr. Humbert.
- Breene, R. S. An Irish Vampire—in The Occult Review, October, 1925, pp. 242–5
- Browne, W. A. F. “Necrophilism”—in Journal of Mental Science, January, 1875, pp. 551–560
- Calmet, Augustin Dom (O.S.B.) Traité sur les Apparitons des Esprits, et sur les Vampires, ou les Revenans de Hongrie, de Moravie, etc. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, & augmentie par l’ Auteur. 2 vols. Paris, 1751. (The first edition is Paris, 1746; and there was an edition Einsiedeln, Dans la princière abbaie par Jean Everhard Kälin, 2 vols., 1749)
- Castren, M. A. Vorlesungen über die finnische Mythologie: deutsch von A. Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1853
- Ceynowa, Flor. De terrae Pucenais incolarum superstitione in re medica. Berlin, 1851
- Christliche Betrachtungen über die wunderbarliche Begebenheit mit den Blutsaugenden Todten in Servien. Leipzig, 1732
- Codrington, R. H. (D.D.). The Melanesians: studies in their Anthropology and Folk Lore. Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1891
- Collin de Plancy, J. A. S. Dictionnaire Infernal. Editio princeps, 2 vols. Paris, 1818. (I have used the sixth, and last, edition, 1 vol., 4to, 1863. The six editions differ widely from one another. This famous work is valuable, but uncritical and even erroneous)
- Histoire des Vampires. Paris, 1820
(This work, which has been erroneously attributed to Dr Polidori, is now considered almost certainly to be by Collin de Plancy)
- Histoire des Vampires. Paris, 1820
- Crowe, Catherine. Light and Darkness. 3 vols. London, 1850.
- Cuisin, J. P. R. Les ombres sanglantes, galerie funèbre de prodiges, événements merveilleux, apparitions nocturnes, songes épouvantables, délits mysterieux,