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  • Lawson, John Cuthbert. Modern Greek Folk Lore and Ancient Greek Religion. Cambridge, 1910
  • Leake, W. M. Travels in Northern Greece, 4 vols. London, 1835
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  • Machal, J. Slavic Mythology, Boston, 1918
  • Malleus Maleficarumv. Sprenger and Kramer
  • Mannhardt, W. Über Vampyrismus—in Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde. Vol. iv, pp. 259–82. Göttingen, 1858
  • Ma, Walter. De Nugis Curialium. Edited by M. R. James. (Anecdota Oxoniensia: Mediæval and Modern Series, Part XIV) Oxford, 1914
    • De Nugis Curalium (Courtiers’ Trifles). Englished by Frederick Tupper and Marbury Bladen Ogle. London, 1924
  • Mayo, Herbert. On the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions. Second Edition. London, 1851. (These papers were first published in Blackwoods’ Edinburgh Magazine, 1847–8)