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  • Dorset, St. John [Rev. Hugo John Belfour]. The Vampire: a Tragedy in Five Acts. First [Second] Edition. London, MDCCCXXI. C. and J. Ollier.
  • Doyle, Sir A. Conan. The Parasite. 1891
  • Dumas (Père), Alexandre. Le Vampire: Drama fantastique en 5 actes et 10 tableaux par Alexandre Dumas et Auguste Maquet, répresenté le 20 decembre, 1851 sur le théâtre de l’Amtigu-Comique. Théâtre Complet de Alexandre Dumas. Onzième Série. Paris, Michel Lévy, 1865
  • Dunn, Gertrude. The Mark of the Bat. London, 1928
  • Ellmenbeich, Friederike. Der Vampyr. Mainz, 1827 (A translation from Scribe)
  • Faber, H. Le Vampire, nouvelle traduite de l’anglais de Lord Byron. Paris 1819
  • Fairfield, Henry W. A. Only by Mortal Hands (as told to Harold Standish Corbin). “Ghost Stories,” vol. III, No. 4. October, 1927. Construction Publishing Company. Washington and South Aves.
  • Féval, Paul H. C. La Ville Vampire. Paris, Dentu, 1875. (This is ingenuously stated to be a romance by Mrs. Radcliffe, who recounted it to the writer’s aunt from whom he heard the tale)
  • Fosse, Pierre de la. Le Vampire; Mélodrama en 3 actes. Paroles de M. Pierre de la Fosse de la rue des Morts. (Pseudonym). 1820
  • Gautier, Théophile. La Morte Amoreuse. Originally appeared in the Chronique de Paris, 23rd and 26th June, 1836
    • The Beautiful Vampire. London, 1927. (A translation of La Morte Amoreuse, by Paul Hookham. There is also a translation by G. Bumham Ives as The Dead Leman, Putnam, New York and London, 1903. Other English versions have been published)
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Die Braut von Corinth
  • Haushofer, Max. Die Verbannten. Leipzig, 1890
  • Heigel, C. M. Der Vampyr: Romantische Oper in drei Aufzügen. Nach Byrons Dichtung von C. M. Heigel; Musik von P. V. Lindpaintner, 1829 (Produced at Stuttgart, 21 September, 1828)
  • Herold, A. Ferdinand. Les Contes du Vampire. Paris, Mercure de France, 1891. Second edition, 1902. (Indian tales)
  • Heron, E. and H. The Story of Baelbrow in Ghost Stories, London, Pearson, 1916. (Reprinted from Pearson’s Magazine, April, 1898)
  • Hildebrands, Theodor. Der Vampyr oder die Totenbraut: ein Roman nach neugriechischen Volkssagen. Leipzig, 1828
  • H.M.P. A Vampire of Souls. 1904 (A semi-apocalyptic novel)
  • Hodder, Reginald. The Vampire. London, 1913
  • Hugo, Victor. Han d’Islande. 4 vols., Paris, Persan, 1823
  • James, M. R. Count Magnus in Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. London. Arnold, 1905. An Episode of Cathedral History—in A thin Ghost and Others. London, Arnold, 1919.
  • Keats, John. Lamia. Published July, 1820
  • Kératy, M. de. Le Dernier du Beaumanoir. (1850?). [Founded on the following incident: Peu d’années avant le révolution de 1789 un prêtre fut convaincu d’avoir assouri sa passion brutale sur le cadavre encore chaud d’une femme auprés de laquelle il avait été placé pour reciter des prières]
  • King, Frank. The Ghoul. London, 1928 (This is a mystery novel. The Ghoul is a nickname given to a master-criminal)
  • Le Fanu, Sheridan. CarmillaIn a Glass Darkly. 3 vols., London, Bentley, 1872. Also in one volume, 1872. Reprinted in two parts by Newnes. Reprinted Eveleigh Nash, 1923
  • Liddell, Hon. Henry. “The Vampire Bride”—in The Wizard of the North; The Vampire Bride, and other Poems. Blackwood, Edinburgh; and Cadell, London, MDCCCXXXIII
  • Mengals, Martin Joseph. Le Vampire: Comic Opera in one Act. 1826. (Produced 1st March, 1826)
  • Mérimée, Prosper. La Guzla, ou, Choix de Poésies Illyriques, 1827
  • Neruda, Jan. The Vampire, pp. 847–849 of Great Short Stories of the World. London, New Impression. November, 1927