- Abbot of Montserrat, The, 278
- Abbott, G. F., 33, 92, 161, 206
- Abipones, tribe of Paraguay, 167
- Abisag the Sunamitess, 134
- Absolution of one who has died excommunicate, 101–2
- Adelhausen, Dominican convent at, 122
- Adrian, J. V., 290
- Aelian, 198
- Afra, S., 123
- Agamemnon, 158
- Agapitus I, Pope S., 101
- Agnes of Montepulciano, S., 130
- Alardus Gazaeus, 230
- Alfrida, S., 124
- Aliphera (festival of fly-catcher at), 198
- Allacci, Leone, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30–3, 90, 92, 163, 179, 206
- Alphonsus Liguori, S., 33, 79, 123, 144
- Altomari, Antonio Donato, 166–7
- Amatongo (Zulu Ancestor Worship), 12–3
- Anatomy of Melancholy, 166–7
- Andrea Avellino, S., 132
- Angela of Merici, S., 128
- Angels, 1, 7
- Angelus, Christophorus, 91
- Antidote against Atheism, 115, 179–80
- Antigone, 83
- Antonia of Florence 123
- Antoninus of Florence, O.P., S., 125
- Antony of Padua, S., 55
- Apuleius, 227, 241
- Ardisson, Victor, 70
- Aristophanes, 20, 227
- Aristotle (on suicide), 142
- Arrianus of Nicomedia, 20
- Arunta tribe, 60
- Asasabonsam (Ashanti vampire), 259
- Ashanti proverbs, 259
- Aeschylus, 141
- Athenaeus, 145–6
- Attila, 17
- Aubrey, John, 160
- Augustine of Canterbury, S., 111
- Augustine of Hippo, S., 79, 103, 142–3, 165, 202, 229
- Australian tribes (blood remedies), 17
- Avebury, Lord, 145
- Awemba tribe, 10
- Baganda tribe, 9, 147–8, 167–8
- Bagnesi, B. Maria Bartolomea, 125
- Baital (Vetala), 249–51
- Bajang, 251–52
- Baldi, Cecilia, 123
- Bandello, O. P., Matteo, 43
- Bantu tribes, ancestral worship of, 10–2
- Barbauld, Anna Letitia, 275
- Barlings, 160
- Barnaby of Pistoria, 122
- Baron Vampyr, Der, 320
- Basil I, 140
- Basil of Ostrog, S., 129
- Bat, vampire, 135–6, 267
- Ba’thory, Countess Elizabeth, 64
- Baudelaire, Charles, 327
- Bauer, Edwin, 320
- Beane, Sawney, 61
- Beelzebub, lord of flies, 198
- Belfour, Rev. Hugo John, 319–20
- Belgrade (vampire at), 176
- Bell, Mr. H. J., 265, 267
- Benadad of Syria, 62
- Benedict XIV, 23, 24, 119, 120
- Benedict, S., 102–3
- Benson, E. F., 321
- Bérard, Cyprion, 290
- Beresford, Rev. J., 276
- Bernard, S., (of Clairvaux), 33, 199
- Bernardine of Siene, S., 127–8
- Bernardo Ptolomei, S., 123
- Beroaldus, 247
- Bickel, Andréas, 65
- Billuart, O. P., Charles René, 79
- Bishop, Washington Irving, 36
- Blackwood, Algernon, 323
- Blood, offered to spirits, 10; attracts ghosts, 13; forbidden by divine commands, 13–5; shed at funerals, 17; as medicine, 17; drunk, 64; connected with sexual impulse, 133
- Blot, Henri, 68–9
- Blue eyes (a sign of vampirism), 181–2
- Blunden, Mrs., (epitaph of), 45
- Boguet, Henri, 60, 78–9, 180
- Bonney, F. (Australian traveller), 17
- Bonnefons, Jean, 186
- Boucicault, Dion, 312–5
- Boullé, Thomas, 80
- Boussakis, Dr. M . K., 46
- Braut von Korinth, Die, 274–5, 276