- Bristol (Lawford’s Gate), hauntings at, 4–5
- Brompton, John, 111
- Brontë, Emily, 7
- Browne, W. A. F., 63
- Buckthorn (contra magos), 203–4, 256
- Buddhist monks (self-immolation of), 152–3
- Bulgaria (method of destroying vampires in), 208
- Bullet (charmed to kill vampire), 209
- Bürger, Gottfried August, 275–7
- Burial, premature, 34–48
- Burke, William (and Hare), 58–9
- Burnes, Alexander, 257
- Burton, Robert, 166–7
- Butleigh (Somerset), 160
- Butters, Mary, 257–8
- Byron, Lord, 280–1, 289–90
- C., Eva, (medium), 195
- Cadet Buteux, vampire, 305
- Caffres (dread of blood), 13
- Cain, 183
- Callaway, Canon, 12
- Callicantzaros, 163–5
- Calmet, Dom Augustin, 25–9, 112, 171–5, 193–4, 199, 283, 295
- Camargo, Diego Muñoz, 260
- Camillus de Lellis, S., 132
- Campbell Thompson, Dr. R., 217, 218, 224, 226
- Cannock Chase, hauntings at, 4
- Carmilla, 321
- Carnarvon, Lord (in Greece, 1839), 140
- Cassian, 230
- Castellinus, 119
- Cat (vampire), 169
- Catherine of Bologna, S., 55–6, 125
- Catherine of Genoa, S., 129
- Catullus, 185
- Caylus, Comte de, 237
- Cesarini, Cecilia, 123
- Ceylon, demons of, 156
- Chabot, Admiral of France, 184
- Chacu Indians, 237
- Chadkin, 152
- Chapman, George, 183
- Character of an Ugly Woman, A, (1678), 156
- Charon’s fee, 105–6
- Chariclides Comicus, 155
- Charolais, comte de, 64
- Chesnil, de la Charbonelais, 203
- Children of Judas (vampires), 183
- China (suicide in), 145
- China, vampires in, 237–49
- Chinese Ghouls and Goblins, 239
- Ch’ing Shik (Chinese vampire), 237–49
- Choephoroe, 141
- Chordewa (witch), 169
- Chorea (a sign of vampirism), 181
- Christabel, 276
- Christmas Eve, legends of, 157
- Church lands, a curse upon, 160–1
- Chuwashé (Finnish tribe), 202
- Cicero (on suicide), 142
- Ciuateteo, 261–3
- Clare of Montefalco, O.S.A., S., 125–6
- Claret, Ven. Antony, 123
- Clavigero, 260
- Clement of Alexandria, 198
- Clifford, Mr. Hugh, 255
- Codrington, Dr. R. H., 258
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 275
- Collationes (of Cassian), 230
- Columella, 155
- Compendium Theologiae Moralis (Sabetti), 38
- Contes Orientaux, 237
- Convent Spectre, The, 278
- Corey, Goodwife (of Salem), 5
- Corfu, 205
- Cosijopii, 264
- Count Magnus (Dr. M. R. James), 271–3
- Cowdray, 160
- Cranstoun, Mr., 275
- Crawford, F. Marion, 325
- Cross, made from what tree, 203
- Cross-roads, burial at, 154–6; augury at, 155; shrines at, 263
- Crowe, Catherine, 332
- Crows (omens drawn from), 246
- Croxton, 160
- Cuecuesteca, 262
- Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia (Rawlinson and Morris), 226
- Cuntius, Johannes, 179–80
- Curses, (dreaded in Greece), 161–2
- Cuthbert, S., 194
- Cutting the flesh (in mourning), 15–17
- Dacre, Charlotte, 277
- Dagger (consecrated to transfix vampires), 204
- Dalen, Charles Francis van, 23
- Darlington Station, hauntings at, 2–3
- Darwin, Charles, 135–6
- Davanzati, Archbishop Gioseppe, 23–5
- David, King of Israel, 134, 171
- De Prouerbiis Aguri et Lemuelis (Mühlau), 231
- De Daemonialitate (Sinistrari), 230
- De Ecclesiae Occidentalis atque Orientalis … consensione, 29
- De Graecorum … opinationibus, 22
- De Lancre, 265
- De Materia Medica, 256