- Haarmann, Fritz., 188–93
- Hag of the Mountains, The, 278
- Haida Indians, 60
- Hamilton, Miss M., 278
- Hanover, the Vampire of, 188–93
- Hare (and Burke), 58–9
- Harenberg, John Christian, 23
- Hartmann, Dr. Franz, 39, 134
- Hayti (obeah in), 267
- Hedwige, S., 130
- Helme, Mrs., 278
- Hemans, Felicia, 203
- Henderson, William, 257
- Herbert, William, 278
- Herero tribe (ancestral worship), 10–11
- Hermontinus, 37
- Herodotus, 66–7
- Hertel, John, 23
- Hilary, S. (and Pelagia), 243–5
- Hildebrand, Theodor, 320
- Hinton-on-Mendip, 160
- Hirsch, Franz, 320
- Histoire curieuse … des sorciers (Giraldo-Fornari), 233–6
- Historia Francorum, 51
- Historia Naturalis (Pliny), 37–8, 198
- History of Witchcraft (Montague Summers), 195
- Hodder, Reginald, 325
- Horace, 153, 185, 227
- Horrid Mysteries, 278
- Horse-shoes (to bring luck), 257
- Horseleach (Proverbs xxx, 15), 230–1
- Horseley Curties, T. J., 278
- Horst, Georg Conrad, 2
- Host, Sacred, put in tombs, 104–5
- Hours of Idleness, 277
- Hugh of Lincoln, S., 125
- Humbert, Cardinal, 105
- Hunt, Ales (of St. Osyth), 252
- Huysmans, J.-K., 77
- Ibo (Nigerian tribe), 222
- Icard, Dr. (of Marseilles), 46
- Ida of Louvain, 123
- Impregnation (by sun and moon), 237–8
- In a Glass Darkly, 321
- In Court and Kampong (Clifford), 255
- Incorruption of bodies, 124–8
- Incubi (procreation by), 228–30
- Ingiald, 167
- Injurieux, S., 51
- Innocent III, 1
- Irradiation, mystic, 121–4
- Jack the Ripper, 65
- James, Dr. M. R., 271–3, 280
- Jamguillaume, Clauda, 61
- Januarius of Naples, S., 126
- Jeremias, 15, 16
- Jerome, S., 16
- Jerusalem, Siege of (under Joram) 62–3; (by Titus), 63, 116
- Jew of Malta, The, 246
- Jews (refrain from blood), 14
- Joannes Secundus, 186–7
- Johannes Diaconus, 121
- Johannes Moschus, 49
- John Capistran, S., 128
- John of the Cross, S., 123
- John the Almsgiver, 49
- Johnson, Dr., 22
- Joram, king of Judah, 62–3
- Jordanes, 17
- Judas Iscariot, 183
- Juliette, or, les Prospérités du Vice, 60, 64, 280
- Julius Obsequens, 252
- Julius Solinus, 198
- Jumbie-tree (in West Indies), 265
- Jusk (god of Shilluk), 9
- Justine, ou les Malheurs de la Vertu, 280
- Juvencus, C. Vettius Aquilinus, 51
- Juventius and Maximus, SS., 124
- Kalunga (god of Ovambo), 11
- Kama Sutra, 187
- Karens (Burmese tribe), 249, 255
- Karpathos (Scarpanto), 223
- Kelley, Isabella, 278
- Kiss, the, 185–8
- Kiziba, natives of, 9
- Knill Court (Herefordshire), 246
- Knox, Dr. Robert (of Edinburgh), 59
- König, Ewald August, 320
- Kunigunde, S., 124
- Kwakiutl Indians, 60
- Labat, Père, 267
- Lacassagne, Dr., 64
- Laius, the sin of, 158
- Lambertini, Cardinal, see Benedict XIV
- Lamia, 226–8
- Lamia, L., 37
- Lang, Andrew, 4
- Langsuir, 251, 253–4
- Lanuza, Giovanni-Battistade, 123
- Lapps (finger-ring custom of), 223
- (familiars among the), 252
- Larat, Jean, 303
- Last of the Vampires, The, 330–1
- Lateran Council, Fourth (1215), 1
- Lathom, Francis, 278
- Lauda, Diego, 123
- Launay, Gabrielle de, 40–3
- Lawson, J. C., 19, 184, 230
- Le Fanu, Sheridan, 280, 321