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( 78 )

And is this from abhorrence?—or do you deem me so ungenerous as to believe that I should take unworthy advantage of being permitted to offer you even the most trivial service?"

"No, no, oh, no!" with quickness cried Juliet; "but the more generous you may be, the more readily you may imagine ———"

She stopt, at a loss how to finish.

"That you would be generous, too?" cried Harleigh, revived and smiling.

She could not refrain from a smile herself, but hastily added, "My conduct must be liable to no inference of any sort. Adieu, Sir. I will deliver you the packet in Miss Joddrel's room."

Her hand was upon the lock, but his foot, fixed firmly against the door, impeded its being opened, while he exclaimed, "I cannot part with you thus! You must clear this terrific obscurity, that threatens to involve me, once more, in the horrours of excruciating suspense!—Why that cruel expression of dis-